Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

Why add it?

I donno?


As far as I’m concerned, player owned stations shouldn’t be allowed in high sec. I think they are totally unnecessary. NPC stations are just fine for high seccers.

WH and Null, sure. I think they are perfect for those people.

Not entirely convinced they are needed in low sec.

The fact that war-decs are now nothing more than station bashing is nonsense. And worse are these 1 man holder corps, just to protect the main corporation from the meanie-merc-war-decers.

Highsec ganking was the natural consequence of moving wardecs to station bashing.

Want to get rid of gankers? Bring back the old war dec mechanic.

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Problem is it would just be abused again. I don’t know the answer. None of us do so I keep ■■■■ posting. I don’t block anyone in the hope (and I have a better chance of winning the lottery) that some other ■■■■ poster will stumble on a workable idea.

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It already is being abused. 1 man holder corps to protect the main corp itself.
Total BS. Get rid of player stations in high sec.

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OMG…you’re using logic on the forum. You do realise what a complete waste of time that is ?

Personally I’m just sick of the goal posts being moved every 5 minutes…it is one of the most offputting things in the game, alongside the incessant calls for the goal posts to be moved further. It just makes nonsense of getting into any game. This is the real reason so many leave within the first months/year. The constant messing about with this or that mechanic breaks the continuity of one’s experience.

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The goal posts have been the same. Cores created a financial incentive for wardec groups to target the softest, easiest targets and that is why groups like yours exist. Small corps don’t need structures but in a sandbox giving small groups things they can build and rally around without artificially making them a target is a good thing. Cores should be removed from the game. Small corps would still be risking billions by putting up stations but carebear wardec groups would no longer be incentivized to attack them.

On that subject, you previously stated: " As for attacking trade hubs, etc…why would any structure bashing alliance want to attack structures that are serving a useful function for everyone ?"

So I have to ask, why in your alliances current campaign in Devoid have you avoided targeting multiple citadels owned by groups in alliances and you’ve targetted only smaller groups including multiple freeports. One of the citadels is the only public refinery in an ice system, offering refining and compression services to all, very much a useful function.

You’re free to answer but we all already know that the real answer is that your alliance is incapable of fighting any real fleet and so it only goes after targets that are unlikely to be able to form a defense and will form a very weak defense if they do.

For those interested in verifying, here are some example structure timers:
Shastal - 2023-01-19 17:46:18
Dital - 2023.01.20 00:30:25
Riavayed - 2023-01-20 17:18:34
Shastal - 2023-01-20 22:15:37

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I understand fully what you mean here cause we can’t fly a station, I know I had already asked!


You move them quite frequently. It’s annoying and it’s frustrating that you try to hide it with semantics and word games.


Nope. I am not going to answer your twisted questions. I have said what I have said. If you don’t like it…tough.

May the beautiful Queen Zidarez Khanid of New Eden welcome all alpha criminal wannabes as she drags you all through some heavily damaged stellar planetary mass such as Seyllin I

Support green safety today!


Thats fine by me anyway. Can we lose the cores if that happens?

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Calm down ganker.

:rofl: Just had too…

How about having non-cored structures in hs at the grandfathered stage along with the disadvantage of being able to be shot on sight. No wd needed or Concord response.

You know someone somewhere is going to try to hide one thinking they can get away with it long enough to make a profit! It’s just human nature. :smirk:

Its good to see that Elizabet-totallynotlucas-Forgrave is abusing the flagging system. Over something as trivial as being told to calm down.

You must have hit upon the truth they don’t want anyone to see @Altara_Zemara.

Also goes to show who’s the one that truly salty.


Logic intimidates some people and they squirm and play all sorts of word games and try to obfuscate it with semantics, moving goal posts and inventing hypotheticals and pretending (and even trying to gaslight people) it’s the truth. And then dismissing your response to their hypothetical question as, non-admissible. And when they are truly threatened by your logic, they will do anything to silence it, shut it down, hide it or even try to get it banned. Oftentimes, here, that takes on the appearance of abusing the flagging system to hide the post that threatens them.

So, yes. It is a waste if time with those people.

But with well adjusted people who are open to a real discussion, willing to be challenged and challenge in kind, like you, not at all. Open honest discussions are quite nice.


hey can you go and kill a station in piri that has a 5 man corp for me?

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How much you payin’?

depends on if your willing to give loot or not

Contact me in game, and we can work something out

Thank you @Most_Moliko for all your hard work advertising my group, we appreciate it.

Just adding on what most moliko has been saying, We don’t just destroy peoples structures, we do offer protection and take contracts. We just destroyed all his stuff because he is a nasty little person.