Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

That is perhaps the most lucid self-awareness I have ever seen from you. I applaud personal growth.

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Weak…and delusional.

It was a question.

Are you suggesting that asking questions is a sign of a delusional mind?

Pay no attention, his mind control powers are weak.

I noticed how he’s not answering the question.

Very telling.

Locked in the basement for telling porkies.

More like he shot from the hip. Wildly missed. Was called out on it, and instead of admitting his mistake, he’d rather slink back into the shadows of obscurity.

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Was ignoring the delusional tosh from this forum, but have a reply as you seem to be begging for one!

Depends what you define as rage quitting, in the forum event over bad moderation I mulled it over several days before making a decision, and did it to make a statement, it cost CCP €400. Cold hard and calculated, so rage no…, but if you want to consider it rage quitting then feel free, if it helps you you can think that even if it is wrong, but I will tell you you are wrong.

As for my most recent reason to leave the game, I was not enjoying it so much in terms of PvP as I was out of the main TZ of my group so only picked up the odd scrap of content with others, I like being in small gangs, I am not really a solo guy in multi-player games. Then one of the guys who was in my TZ stopped playing which was a real bummer as I really liked him and enjoyed his company. Then I found the price hike too much to justify as I will only play Eve with two accounts. So that was it, if you want to call that rage quitting then feel free.

Frostpacker had been docked for many months and we understand the cost of time.

Asking oneself is New Eden worth our time is our only focus?

We also feel this is a good opportunity to spill the salt and salt we are fine with spilling here in this thread…

It is nothing (I repeat NOTHING) that CCP or EVE Online had done for Frostpacker to close it’s master wallet.

Unless CCP starts suppling frozen corpses in the NES store…as even the Largest Mercenary Corp can not or simply will not give time to supply a single frozen corpse.

Time and it’s worth while inside NEW EDEN is the main issue at play here.

Why are you even here?

You don’t play EvE Online.

No, the question from my latest post (see below)

Is referring back to this post (see below)

I noticed how you still continue to dodge this one.

It’s funny how Dracvlad and company spent years begging CCP to nerf ganking, because that would somehow improve the game? Now that ganking is nerfed, the antigankers still don’t want to play EvE.

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My hypothesis is that they are a miserable lot who lost a ship at some point. Never really understood that ship loss is an intended and integral part of the game play mechanic, and instead of figuring out how to play the game, they whine incessantly on the forums.

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They have to pretend ganking is griefing, toxic cyberbullying… because otherwise the loss of a ship would be THEIR fault. Instead of taking personal responsibility, they have to play the victim, and blame others for how “unfair” it all is.


But it is unfair, they just want to farm rocks in peace… in an everywhere open to PvP game. :upside_down_face:

Its only because they grow back after some time.

If they would not grow back, there would be no farming.

People would hunt rocks instead.

What’s worse, is they victimize others who’ve lost ships and gaslight them into believing that they don’t have to take personal responsibility. They work hard to strip people of their power to make a difference in their own gameplay and teach them that others have to do it for them. It’s crazy passive aggressive and utterly deplorable.

When you make it more of a statement then yes, you were delusional. And it was more of a statement.

It was quite clear that it was a question. The question mark (?) signifies that the sentence was, in fact, a question.

See the question mark in the question below:

Nothing in that qualified it to be a statement.

The fact that your mind is changing it to a statement is very telling about who is delusional and who is not.

You may want to stop now. The hole you’ve been digging for yourself is getting pretty deep.

Who even cares anymore? Dracvlad is so 2021.