Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

Hows the structure whoring going

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So has Dracvlad.


How’s the anti-ganking going?


Nothing against ag. Just seems a lost cause.

Frostpacker is not a company though we appreciate the plural thought you gave.

That ? was put on to give yourself plausible deniability on your trolling, it was a troll statement! Note the exclamation, that was to give it more emphasis. I answered you in any case even though I thought it was a delusional troll statement. You should stop now as you keep going off-topic.

Says you. It was a genuine question. Now, are you done making a fool of yourself trying to troll me for asking a question?

That is a statement, it is incorrect and is off topic too, furthermore you jumped in on it and threw that into the flames, so it is trolling.

I think if you don’t play EvE, and you only come here to start arguments and repeatedly announce (again) you don’t play EvE, maybe you are the troll?


Maybe if your CEO of a ganker corp and do nothing but defend ganking and talk about nothing else, you may be a troll.

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Technically, I’m an executor.


Those are both questions and you know it, and you are trying to deflect by crying “off topic!”

Bro, normal, non-delusional individuals would most likely have a conversation that would look like this:

Ax’l: Didn’t you rage quite? Like twice now?

DracV: No, I did not. I took a leave of absence.

Ax’l: Ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification.

But instead you took it down this dark twisty trail of trolling, name calling, and deflecting. The only person here who was trolling was yourself and furthermore you were trolling yourself. Not sure if that some big brain galaxy play on your part, or you’re just trigger happy itching to get into the equivalent of internet happy slaps.


I replied to you giving you the benefit of the doubt, even though I thought you were trolling and you called it a wall of text, it was not a wall of text. It was two paragraphs. :turkey:

Calling me a turkey is name calling. So we are back to that. And you still have failed to answer my question.

You’ve been avoiding it like the plague because it called you out in your atrocious behavior.

I’ll quote it again.

That is the question I have been pressing an answer for.

It’s a simple yes or no answer.

Now lets see. On the one hand we have

and on the other we have

Do you see what I see? Now be a good girl and go look in the mirror.

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Clone Jumping and the amount of clones that an Alpha Status Capsuleer should be reviewed.

You made a statement which was delusional, the question mark was merely to give you plausible deniability, that is the answer in regards to that statement. The turkey was referring to the attempt to ignore it with the wall of text comment, it was a turkey. Now if you want to take that as me calling you a turkey then I will further define you as even more delusional and desperate.


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I read you quote. I fail to understand why you are so upset because I called it “wall of text” instead of quoting the entire thing.

There are even CCP guidelines about not having long quote trains.

Would you have preferred me to say


How about “A bunch of BS?”

You are so triggered and looking for a fight that little things like “wall of text” sets you off and then you call me delusional?

You really showed your true colors when you tried to teach that homophobe how to pass off homophobic slurs under CCPs censorship. (I haven’t forgotten, and I have still have the screenshots). Maybe you are right. I was delusional to think that you have changed. I guess I was wrong.

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