Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

You’re not alone.


It is because you grammar shamed him, even though he made 2 paragraphs, which is one more than most.

That sounds like a “him” problem. Because I wasn’t trying to shame him for writing out a detailed explanation.

You are delusional again, I never showed him how to pass off homophobic slurs, I suggested he say something else. Another example of your hate filled antics or perhaps something worse, an acute failure in reading and comprehension on your part, like many who post on this forum. But then again you are so desperate to score forum points that you miss the wood for the trees and make yourself look so foolish…

I stand by what I said to that guy.

I stand by what I said to that guy.

In a move that shocked absolutely no one.

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Really? Give me another example of my “hate filled antics.”

Cool story bro, but it’s really off the mark. Kinda makes me think you’re the delusional one here, making up and attributing motives onto other people. Are you an armchair psychologist?

You have to be full of hate to ignore what was actually written, another poster who did not like me went back and checked what I wrote and stated that I was not at fault in what I had said to this guy. He refuted the spin that you and Destiny were putting on it. You on the other hand are so full of hate that you have lost all reason and are repeating that falsehood. And that is why I referred to it as hate filled antics

I have already stated that anyone who does an analysis of people based on what they write on game forums are barking mad, and if they are a professional doing that they are acting unprofessional and are at risk of being struck off. I have never claimed to be a psychologist, not once, I am not sure where you pulled that one from but I am kinda used to all manner of shite being thrown my way.

The reason I call you delusional for using that homophobic slur is that only someone delusional would make that accusation based on what I said. The ISD did not moderate my post, because they would have seen it as what it was, a gentle chiding of a fellow Eve player for what he said. So on that you are delusional.

I hope you grow from this exchange, go back and read what I said to that Russian guy. Then ask yourself while looking in the mirror if you were anything other than delusional. I know that you and people like you are so well versed in Alinsky tactics and the like, but they work up until the point in time that people start realising what is being done and start back checking things with an open mind.

Maybe that could even happen on this forum?

To keep posting in the forum of a game you don’t even play…

Ah yes, the good old…


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Can someone repost what was actually said?

Followed by a bunch of railing against SJWs, etc.

It’s a very convenient example of the “single-issue voter” syndrome, wherein a person is willing to give up literally everything else to win on a single point. Like imagine being so angry against video game pixel spaceship gankers that you’d try to ally with a literal homophobic degenerate just because they’re against ganking too, being so willing to compromise all of your principles and common decency just to make an ally on this one tiny little sore sticking point that doesn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things because this is just a game.

I’ve never before seen the community come together so unanimously to condemn someone.


You sound like a typical woke SJW, howling and clinging!

There was not a single example of me being hateful in that wall o text of yours.

You have a very difficult time with questions don’t you? Here’s what was posted:

That was a question, not a statement (again. Didn’t I already go over this mess with you with another earlier question? Oh wait, I did…). Don’t tell me that I have reading comprehension issues when you literally cannot tell the difference between between a question and a statement.

You’re a lost cause.

And yes, I was delusional to think I could have a conversation with you.

And to think all this started because you refuse to answer one simple question:

And you continue to refuse to answer it.

You spew hateful vitriolic trolly attacks, and this thread is full of them that you posted and yet you say I’m the the offender and yet you can’t even find a single example.

We all know what you really are and you just reaffirmed it.

Dracvlad testified that another poster, one who doesn’t even like Dracvlad, has confirmed he did no wrong. Surely we can trust Dracvlad’s “not a friend”?

Furthermore, Dracvlad has testified he is not a psychologist, and yet even he can see that you are delusional and a woke SJW. Those are the facts!

Thank you Dracvlad, for proving your INNOCENCE and VIRTUE. Those who have wrongly accused you are no doubt deeply ashamed and apologetic, defeated by your unimpeachable conduct. You have truly won the forum’s respect and admiration!

Hear, hear! I challenge everyone to find the nearest mirror, stare deeply into your own soul, and ask yourself, “Am I delusional, right now?” Are you even in front of a mirror? Can you prove your existence is real? Think about it!

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I am delusional! Does any of this even exist? Do I exist? How can any of this be?

Princess, save me. I’m falling into a dark well of existential dread! You are the only thing that is real!

Wait?! Am I delusional to think that? Are you real?


I’m just glad that Dracvlad isn’t gaslighting us.


So where in that did I make a homophobic slur or more importantly where did I actually show him how to get around making homophobic slurs, I showed him how to stop making such slurs. This is why I called you delusional. However this accusation was made by Destiny previously, so you may well have just taken his word for it, but it is there in black and white what I said, and I stand by that 100% You can apologise to me now, or you can continue as you are, your choice?

So far you have wrongly accused me of rage quitting twice, and of making homophobic slurs or showing someone how to make homophobic slurs, 0-4 on what you have said. As I said look in the mirror mate, you need to. Because the hate is all coming from you.

I’m don’t apologize to homophobes.

Again, it was a question not an acquisition

I’m so glad you’re not trying to gaslight us.
