Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

Was thinking of asking him for advice on pvp as hasn’t lost a ship in a while, so must be good

He is an elite operator. A very consummate and accomplished spaceship admiral. Entire fleets have been known to dock up whenever he shows up in a system. His skill and proficiency as a spaceship combatant in EVE is so renowned, that CCP actually calls upon his sage experience for input on major changes to gameplay mechanics.

Definitely not a player anyone should take lightly.

If you say so, I define myself as merely competent, still watching that Jita Holding fleet warp out when I was on grid with a vaga did make me wonder if there was something special about me, though it was not Dracvlad, but one of my other characters. Funny though…, especially when he ended the wars we had allied in on just a bit later.

Is it not allowed to find something like that funny? Does the poster-child of the Eve forums not have a sense of humour?

Help! Help! I am being slain!

Oh you do have a sense of humour, jolly good.

Meh. You are trying to have it both ways. If it is so easy, then the small alliances can do it easily too. And if small corps don’t want to be disadvantaged…they could always try not blurting out opsec stuff in corp chat.

As for linking accounts…no. The whole idea of separate characters is to be as separate or as linked as one wants them to be. I might decide to live two entirely unrelated Eve lives. Why should they be forced to link just because some paranoid people fear spying ?

wrong on every point, i am posting from an alt to protect the innocent.

Nobody is innocent !

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Wat? Again you show a lack of knowledge and strategic thinking of the impact if you cannot differentiate the impact on a small or medium alliance as compared to a big one, blimey…

Did you even read what I wrote, I basically said incentivise linking accounts. In any case you have a choice whether you want that or not. For example if you link two accounts you can choose any combination of the six characters being logged in and you have a shared hanger for your accounts. Two things that really add value. Anyway…, CCP is too dumb to do something like this!

You are trying to have it both ways…typical for this forum. You cannot claim in one breath that spying is ‘easy’, and in the next breath make out it is oh so hard that it disadvantages small alliances. I’ve been in some of those small alliances. Many operate out of NPC stations and don’t have any player owned HQ for anyone to zap anyway. Of course smaller corps are vulnerable to takeover or merging…that is precisely how Eve works. No-one’s going to start a 5 man corp today and be ruling Eve tomorrow. But all of the mega corps in Eve today were once themselves small groups. That is how it goes. That is how it should go.

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You are likely trolling, typical for these forums! Or you really have no idea?

I said alliances not corps.

When did I say it was more difficult for small or medium alliances to spy, I quite clearly pointed out that the impact on small to medium alliances is much greater than on large alliances.

So you are arguing with yourself. Weird.

No, you haven’t ‘pointed out’ anything…just made a claim with zero supporting data.

Listen to @Altara_Zemara you daft vampire.

Trolling badly again. o7

Didn’t you rage quit?

I mean, like twice now?

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It’s not “quitting,” it’s “waiting for the proper time to strike at your enemies.” Though he doesn’t have any enemies, because he has already utterly defeated them all.

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The paradoxical nature of his gameplay style far exceeds any mere mortal’s comprehension.

Blimey, you are imagining things, but then again delusional thoughts are normal on this forum.