Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)


I learned a long time ago to be careful how you word things on the forums!

And what happened to the spelling and grammar police??? :rofl:

I’ve been on vacay.

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And you said you have a character in Goonswarm yet wage war with Goonswarm. This kind of inter politics in high sec just means to me that CCP does not respect players money and time. I have no interest in a game like that and this is why it will die a horrible death of massive shame and the only people who will continue to play the game are those who use it as a life line for issues in their real lives. A poor group of hold outs who spend way too much money and time on the game. CYA

Just as an FYI, to change the game it would be simple. Link characters through a family name so you know who they are no matter what they play. Alpha characters only have limited engagement capability but push that a little further. For all omega characters to only get Omega through personal credit cards so each character can be correctly linked. Just put an end to the bull where people are able to play both sides of the fence and use that account playwork to scam other players and just generally make the game consist of moral degenerates.

And if CCP really cares about the game, i am here because the whole ship system, its cool. The politics of your game is garbage. In my personal life, many of my friends have played this game, not a single one likes to actually play it. Primarily because you endorse the degenerates and do not care about the scammers like SRS and then you promote the scammers. Such as your year end video where you indicate that SRS is the best scammer. You guys need to think hard on the future of the game because these scammers soon will have no one to scam. They will have no one to be sociopaths too except other sociopaths. It will get very boring, i am not sure the tipping point has been reached but it will be soon. You made some changes… i am just not sure if it is enough.

In the end if there is just no will to make changes like this due to the sandbox mentality, then go all the way and make it a true sandbox. A true sandbox would allow people to attack the scammers as soon as they scam, and the war system is just a scam system. As soon as a corp like SRS wages war they should be a target to all players. War is nothing more then another scam of this game.

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Go play My Little Pony.

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Calm down dear!

No surprise who liked that post. Birds of a feather.


Let’s see…

In this latest rant I have marked:

  • But think of the popularity
  • Talks about „in the real world“
  • Is solely a high sec resident
  • Never lost security status

Not quite a Bingo but getting there.


No…that is absurd. A good example of why is that a spy might need to fight their own allies in order to demonstrate ‘loyalty’ to the alliance spied on. Something I have actually done on one occasion ( made sure my own ship was the one lost, though ). The whole notion of linking characters ( not that one can’t already go a long way to that via API ) would make spying impossible…and subterfuge is half the fun of the game.

Not a big deal, have killed my own allies for a laugh.


This has to be the best!

And this square made me snort my coffee out in an uncontrollable snicker. So much truth here.

At least they’d stop asking for brain scan, blood test, DNA samples, FBI approval, and whatnot in order to join any decent corp

The linking of accounts and giving people advantages for it is something I have long called for. I think the fear of infiltration and spying is a major issue in this game, it blocks a lot of content, so I liked his statement for that, if that upsets you then I am happy you are upset. Get over it mate!


Spying is content. Some of the most enjoyable in the game.

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You lack knowledge in key areas about this game. Many veterans will tell you that the fear of spying has blocked a lot of fights and stuff, I have seen it so many times. The fact that it is so easy in game and forces you to have so many out of game stuff to cover has always been an issue with Eve. You might think that it is cool and sexy to act like you are a master spymaster with that new account and all that, but it really is not much effort at all and is one of the reasons why so many small to medium alliances died. Anyway, you will likely have no idea why I said that, but whatever…

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Dracvlad as pleasant as ever.

Left the station yet?

I don’t think he’s played the game for years now. He only comes here for a few weeks every couple of months to make posts boasting about being “responsible” for many “big things” that definitely “happened,” I’m guessing because this is like the last remaining place where he can have anything that remotely resembles an ego trip. He’s like one of those people on social media sites that constantly post about how good their vacation was.

You mean when I was in 6bn of kit when I shot that POS?

I had lost ships, just not on Dracvlad… Actually I did lose a ship, a Praxis to that really good Russian guy who did lots of videos, second ship I have lost to him in fact but the first time wa a long time ago. Lussy Lou actually.

But I stopped playing August 2022, so since that point in time I have not left the station.