Alpha's should not have access to heavy drones

LOL. Free Software is a thing. Go educate yourself if you got no clue.

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Bullcrap. It has been proven countless times that more SP does not equal better at something. Specialized new player will be able to be on par with veteran in relatively short time in any one activity. “Veterans” only have broader list of activities they can efficiently participate.

i would love to see Vexor and VNI to be properly re-balanced to medium drones, maybe even Myrm too. But that would imply changing current ship bonuses as well and/or adding a new drone-related role bonuses.

Oh my God that was the best trolling attempt I think I’ve ever seen

Now let’s keep it real I started back in 2016 deleted my first account I joined from friends from another game they only showed me how to use the mining side of things and I knew there was more to the game but they didn’t teach me the rest and how to do everything so I deleted that account came back in 2017. I made another account and started off from scratch you can do so much with a venture two drones don’t give me that I think they should remove Alpha accounts personally and that should remove Plex as a way to pay for accounts also because there are so many people in the big alliances but I have too many accounts because they don’t have to pay real money for them I currently have two accounts that I pay for out-of-pocket but don’t tell me that you can’t do anything from the start because you can be in a mining barge in like 14 days it’s not that hard to quit whining and complaining

For everyone who says taking away Heavies from the VNI, will just lead to a bunch of Alphas using Gilas instead…

Roll back the Faction changes. Used to be, Alphas could only fly the ships of their chosen race. You couldn’t make a Gallente and fly anything but Gallente. And you certainly couldn’t fly cross factional Pirate ships.

Seeing as how Faction Warfare is such a disgrace (a Gallente Pilot, flying a Minmatar ship, with Caldari Navy fittings, fighting for the Amarr militia, is perfectly legit), at least there was some emphasis on chosen Faction for the Alphas. Then when they pay to go Omega, they earn the right to branch out beyond their origins.

I say…

  • Alphas can only use T1 ships from their chosen race (no Navy / Faction either)
  • Alphas can only use T1 mods (no T2 / Faction, only Metas)
  • Alphas can only use Small and Medium drones
  • Alphas can only use Level 1-3 Agents
  • Alphas can only raise their Safety to Yellow while in High Sec

Make Alphas back into what they were supposed to be. A trial demo mode. You get to test out the gameplay and see if you like the game. And if you do… You Pay To Keep Playing. =)


Get rid of local in null and watch the ratting plummet.


You are the reason Alpha access was not success.


I’m currently an alpha and if alphas are further limited, people will be more inclined to buy plex

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IMO CCP set the limitations on Alphas the wrong way from the start, and haven’t improved them.

Alphas should be able to do as much as possible but:

  1. Should not be useful for botting
  2. Should not be able to efficiently generate enough income to PLEX when played by a person

(1) isn’t so easy, but it’s something CCP should be addressing anyway, because widespread botting discourages new customers and prospects.

(2) would require normalizing the income from different activities. This is something CCP have been very lazy about in the past, but they should do it for other reasons anyway.

Set up this way, CCP wouldn’t care if PLEX got more expensive, but might be a little concerned if they got too cheap. Forcing new accounts and Alphas upgrading to Omegas to subscribe (rather than PLEX to play) for at least the first month would help.

It’s only evidence for the complete lack of any and all competition to EVE. If CCP had even one bit of competition, instead of being the only ones in this particular niche, they’d have gone under years ago.


How does an alpha using heavy drones affect or limit your gameplay?

I can’t see the problem. I’m sorry.

Btw this is not a hate post, just trying to be constructive.

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Well at least Barghest aren’t as easily replaced as VNIs. We’re talking about the most expensive faction battleship. So the reward will be higher, but the risk of losing one will be way higher too.

If the band-aid is holding, then it’s good, I suppose ? If the game plummet to unhealthy levels, then it’s the end of EVE Online altogether… So if they can come around to a good solution, that’s great !
If not, well, Alphas are still a cheap way of gaining time…

That’s my opinion here :

It’s not so much the fact that they can use large weapons (heavy drones included), it’s the fact that Alpha accounts, that were designed as unlimited trial period, can just be turned into bot farms way too easily.

The VNI being the only medium ship that Alpha can use able to field five heavy or sentry drones IS one of the problem.

To be honest, simply deleting Alpha accounts isn’t the best option, for my opinion. But they should be way more limited. I’d say : not giving them anything bigger than a Cruiser like they had in the beginning is good, and keeping them out of Faction ships is good too.

Maybe just let them have faction frigates, so they can try out FW.


Just because you feel like a ship is expensive for you does not mean it costs the same relative to a botter who runs a bot 23.5/7. They have billions upon billions of ISK to spare each month, racking in almost 1b per day on a good day (on a basic VNI ratting bot) and up to 5-6x that on a carrier bot. It doesn’t matter how “expensive” a ship is to you, cost is not an issue to a botter.

Blow those botters enough, ■■■■ with their script so they can’t undock and there you go.
Wallets aren’t infinite, botters or not. Just remember when the Local chat went down a while ago ; a solo guy in a Stratios racked multiple billions by killing AFK Rattlesnake.

Please show me your killboard where you consistently “blow these botters enough” as you claim. It’s not as easy as you might believe.

Never said I’m the one blowing them up.
Some people like to do that. Good for those.

hi all

i think taking away heavy drones is not a smart idea
alphas should have access t as much stuff as possible BUT not provide any huge benefit

i would never give access to T2 weapons for alphas
i would give em access to all drones but only T1 not faction … not T2 …
i would have given them access to all T1 ships but no faction ships

even barges up to level 2 or 3 … why not
maybe a bit more indy skill … so they can see whats possible and get a sub later …


How about not allowing alphas to use navy ships?

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They were never intended as unlimited trials.

Alphas can’t use sentries.


Navy ships = Faction ships. And to be honest, faction vessels like pirate ships are way too powerful to put in the hands of what replaces the trial period. So no, T1 vessels should be good for Alpha.

My bad, I forgot that Sentry Interfacing was locked for Alpha pilots. Although, in the case of alpha VNI bots, sentries aren’t that important as the ship is locked where it dropped them and can’t evade the damage like an oberpropped ship.

Thanks !