Alpha's should not have access to heavy drones

Try flying any of the faction ships as an alpha then come back here and tell me how powerfull they are.

As powerful as any ships if you handle them right. And don’t come crying because an Alpha don’t have the same skills as an Omega. You can still get T2 tank and guns, and quite a lot of training in your support skills to use a Faction ship with good skills.

Being able to sit in a ship or use t2 mods without the support skills doesnt make you as powerfull as someone who has those skills.

There are only 4 pirate ships that are viable for alphas (and only certain fits): daredevil, worm, gila, rattlesnake. Even they are gimped but the bonuses they have outweigh the skill limitations

Pick any other and ill explain why you should not use them if you dont have the support skills for them.


So, the last VNI nerf wasn’t enough, eh?

In my opinion, a better solution is to implement a better anti-bot server service and to improve the integrity of server and client to disallow multimple Alpha connections from one machine/source subdomain. Otherwise those botters will always find a way to use their toons - if nor Heavy Drones, something else will be used.

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The Alphas are not anywhere as good as an Omega. Why don’t you quit crying and go blow them up??
Or are you complaining you can’t kill an Alpha with your Alpha?
I say give them access to carriers and titans.

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You know one thing I don’t get. Alpha’s don’t have access to mining barges. And that’s good, because it would get abused.

So why do alpha’s have access to ship combinations such as VNI with heavy drones, or Gila’s, both of which are far more effective for isk farming than any mining barge? Null VNI/gila ratting is far superior isk to mining in a barge, and so the obvious outcome is happening, which is that it would be abused.

There’s a huge discrepancy of thinking here. Alpha’s not allowed to use mining barges because it would be too easy to farm decent isk, so they restricted it. Meanwhile alpha’s are farming significantly larger amounts of isk in null using very specific ship setups, heavy drone VNI or medium drone Gila.

Restrict alpha’s from using navy/pirate ships and also from using heavy drones should make a big difference

Actually it’s not a discrepancy. Mineral farming affects pricing and availability throughout the entire economy. ISK farming basically only affects the inflation rate, and CCP has stated in the past that the EVE economy can handle the rate of ISK creation without too much inflation.

Then again, CCP has also said the ISK economy is out of control. So, maybe CCP has no clue what is going on.

It’s unfortunate that you feel so threatened by seeing people in VNI’s that you assume are Alphas stealing all your iskies. Perhaps you should learn to be more efficient. Then you wouldn’t need to be afraid of the terrible Alphas and their Rank 4 drone skills.

On the other hand, if you can’t see the discrepancy between ‘massive ISK farming in null’, ‘it’s those terrible Alphas’, and ‘drone botting’, then learning isn’t your strong suit.

(Hint: Anyone who can AFK drone farm in Null can make more ISK as an Omega than an Alpha, and can afford the Plex to do it.)

And you now had that very insistent urge to tell us this.

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Actually pvp wise you have access to alot of ships t2 mods and I’d say average to above average skills if you focus them on frigates destroyers and cruisers for pvp.
As for funding your activities you’re best off doing pve stuff than mining

if you advertise something for free, do not expect anyone to pay for it.
someone mentioned the removal of alpha clone stuff, that i agree with. still better than making up a lie about free to play. the free trial for 3 months thing is allso a good idea. i support that.
i do not support further advertising eve online as free to play when its absolutely not, and realy troll crybaby people who whine about nerfing further the allreardy FAR too limited “alpha clones”.
at the current state, specially if further limited, free to set up alpha clones are basicly only good for those who “multibox” or use other methood of multi accounting.

and stop making up the non-sense that i whine about alpha stuff being not equal to omega. my problem is that the game is advertised as FREE. witch could not be less true. and when people realise it, they quit. further limitations will make them quit sooner.

the other problem is the skilling thing i mentioned. you would spend quite a lot of omega time to catch up with someone years ahead of you, even if the person would not train any further. you will never be on equal grounds to someone with years behind. to some degree its fair. FAIR.
eighter a fresh server would be needed, or NEW activities that are brand NEW for everyone, so fresh people CAN be at equal ground, OR have a chance to catch up.

The game is free you get to go everywhere and can try anything you want to try just that you are limited in skills.

No, go away.

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To those saying Alphas will just migrate to Gilas, that’s a good thing. A gila is more expensive and more worth the time to hunt.

oookay, then make restricted server that is free for X amount of time to play. delete accounts after Y days. or if you wish to continue, then get omega and be transfered to the “big” server.
thatway you do not have all them multi alpha accounting bots, you do not feed defenseless people with others who are armed to the teeth, and you are fighting only worthy opponents.

Read the title, thought “alphas should not have access to heavy line” , it was the first answer …

No, go away.

BTW strange thing, I notices a bunch of people with very similar name in a system, all venture on dscan. Are bot makers starting to create venture bots?

Should we also remove venture from alpha access ?

Alpha should be removed.

interestingly, when i had that allso brought up, you YOUR SELF told:

NO, go away.

now pardon me, but shouldn’t you be super flagged, inked, labeled for a life as the “original troll” ?
you know what?
GTFO.realy. just GTFO.

holy crap. I come back after 5 years and people still say this?

Player skill >>>>>>> SP.

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