Alpha's should not have access to heavy drones

Very true. I’ve been playing over 10 yrs but I don’t have the “Player skill” to go solo, never mind FC a pvp fleet.

A well trained alpha can do a lot of damage.

Well, I never left for 5 years, but I can tell you that people still say the incredibly pointless “duh, player skill >>> sp” line.

Let’s see, on average, who is going to have more player skill? The guy who’s been playing for 8 years, and has 160 million SP? Or the guy who’s been playing 2 years and has 30 million?

Who’s going to have the advantage in a fight? The guy with 8 years of playing and connections in the game, the resources he has built, the 160 million SP, and the hundreds of billions of ISK to back it up?

Or the 2-year player with his 30 million SP, some half decent skills and maybe 50 billion ISK?

I mean sure, you guys can paint the picture all day long of “well this sleepy kinda perma-noob veteran with his 100 million plus SP could be, you know, AFKing while watching Netflix, and this hot new pilot could come along and trash him”. Yep, and an amateur boxer could maybe get lucky and win a heavyweight title fight.

But don’t bet your life savings on it.

CCP_Peligro responded to this exact comment on reddit a few hours ago.

hawks921: “Thanks, Peligro, but remove alpha accounts, or this will just keep happening.”
CCP_Peligro: “working on improvements to make this less lucrative, and less easy… without impacting you lovely legitimate customers, which is a tricky proposition!”

Seems like CCP is trying to find a way to get rid of bots while keeping alpha accounts. Definitely tricky,

Holy crap! You come back after five years and still believe this?

99% of PVPers are F1 monkeys that go where they’re told, shoot at what they’re told, and leave when they’re told.

SP >>>>>> Player skill.

Replace SP with numbers

CCP just banned 600 or so bots, mostly assumed to be VNI nulllsec bots based on the alliances involved.

Kezrai Charzai, why are you defending botters?

If you went out there played the game instead of complaining on the forums you’d know we’re right.

it was a relatively small problem with some courier mission bots apparently the only switch they could flip was the one to disable all lv4 missions.

Phantasm is a very powerful but underrated hull for alpha pilots if flown properly.
Astero/Stratios are best for exploration because all relevant ship bonuses are not skill-dependent (Role bonuses).

You assume a lot of things, apparently facts and data aren’t something you need to form opinions on.

As I have numerous posts saying “solve botting, stop slapping patches and nerfs and restrictions and bans on as bandaids when you could address the core of the problem”, apparently you simply prefer to pretend your opinion/assumption is ‘data’ and not bother looking for actual facts.

Personally I don’t feel threatened by the big scary Alpha accounts in their big bad VNIs, but I guess you do. It’s funny how some vets will spend post after post talking about how all the new players are stupid, weak, ‘hold my hand and show me’ noobs, can’t handle the real Eve… then turn around and say how Alpha bots and Alpha players are running rampant all over the place in powerful ships earning high ISK.

It’s like they feel they can’t compete with an Alpha account or something…

Here’s a tip for you, though you likely won’t get the point: If all these ‘Alpha bots’ you are imagining were doing the things you are making up, then after a month they could afford to Plex their account and they wouldn’t be Alpha any more and they would earn twice as much by doing PI and SP farming while continuing to bot and Plex their account.

So, you know, an ounce of logic says your complaint is ‘fake news’.

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You seem to have misquoted me, I said a good alpha player has a good advantage in pvp over someone who hardly plays…

It’s described a little differently on the botting forum. CCP just banned 6 botters.

Both are correct. And the whole thing is “meh” news at best. These half dozen guys have likely already run their little new acct scripts and have all 600 characters up and running again.

There’s only one solution. Roll back to Subscription only.

Talking about “player skill” using SP as metrics…


You are wrong. I never said: “No, go away,” when somebody suggested removing Alpha status, ever. Quotes are needed.

NO. Go away.

It is: "No, go away."Try again.

He was afraid of breaching your copyright…

NO. Go away.

Alphas should stay away from sansha ships in particular because they are missing 5% base speed from Navigation V, 10% prop mod bonus from Acceleration Control IV and V and to top it all off a 20% afterburner velocity bonus from caldari frig/cruiser/battleship V. Im not even go in to navigation or enginnering support skills.

Why would you do exploration in SOE ships without the cloak? They only provide +5 virus strenght over the t1 frigs and gnosis has better bonuses for scaning. The only advantage a stratios has is 2 geckos, that makes it somewhat usable in hisec combat exploration if you can get it to be cap stable

I have been playing for 5 years and i am currently using this alpha character with 18 mil SP, out of that i have about 15 mil available, i spent most of my career in lowsec pvping.

I have enough experience to tell you that you are wrong.