Already bought, can be closed

I must admit that this is not FAX pilot. It is pilot in training to be a fax (someday). Those skills are MINIMAL to be a FAX in nullsec:
Capital Shield Emission Systems IV - you character don’t have this skill, and this is basic for shield fax.
Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration IV - again, this is basic, and your character don’t have this skill.
Jump Drive Calibration III (required V) - without JDC V this char cannot participate in ANY nullsec capital group, and training from III to V is VERY long.
Caldari Carrier III (required IV)
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems III (required IV)
Capital Shield Operation II (required IV)
Thermodynamics II (required III)
Biology I (required III)
Nanite Interfacing NONE (required III)
Capacitor Systems Operation IV (required V)
Evasive Maneuvering IV (required V)
Capacitor Management III (required V)
Anchoring NONE (required III)

Your character still miss A LOT of skill points to be a fax. It’s like a few months for being minimal requirements to be a fax. You have sp in senseless (for fax) skills like Cruise Missile V, cyno V or Torpedoes V etc.

I have said all of this above because I cannot propose you a good offer. This character is not worth a lot.
You have 25,5m sp on it and you can extract like 20,5m sp. Current price from Jita: Skill Injector 703m, Skill Extractor 425m. You can extract 41 injectors from it with profit 41x(703-425) = 11398m isk so 11,4b. This is what you can get from extracting it.
Since I will have to invest in many injectors I can propose you 15b only for it and only if you will pay the fee to CCP for trasfering character to my account.

Sorry again that I cannot post better offer, but your pilot is very far from being a FAX pilot I need. Let me know if you agree on my offer or not.

EDIT: also I will wait from my side with decision. There is good fax/rorq pilot, if I manage to buy it close to 30b I will not buy your char. If other seller will require more than 30b I will probably buy yours (if you will decide to sell).

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Yeah so you are looking for advanced maxed out minokawa, which will be difficult to get for that price tag you offering but I appreciate your input and I will definitely use your analysis to improve this character.
As to your offer I will have to decline. I am not in rush to sell the account and there is over 2 years of skilling time on this account and lots of real money invested so I would rather keep it then to sell for such a low price. I wish you the best to find the dream cap you looking for.

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I totally understand your decline. For you this char may be worth much more because you are using those cruise missiles/cyno/cloaking/torpedoes etc. skills. For me it’s worthless, I already have other characters for other goals, I just want a Fax, and your pilot is very poor fax atm. If you will ever want to use it as a fax or sell it as a fax you for 100% need those 3 skills (most important): Capital Shield Emission Systems IV, Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration IV and Jump Drive Calibration V. Without it no one will be interested in it, also you will be unable to use it in nullsec capital groups.
Thanks for wishes, I hope I will manage to buy other character (rorq + fax pilot) if seller will agree.

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Already bought Minokawa pilot, thread can be closed

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