Alternate Intention [.A-IN] [US/EU] [ONLYFLEETS] [NEUTRAL Sov-Null]

Alternate Intention are recruiting!
Does life outside of the blocs catch your attention? Do you crave null-sec content without siding with Pandafam or Imperium? [.A-IN] maybe the place for you!

[.A-IN] is a fast growing corp based in the south east of EVE and a member of OnlyFleets Alliance! We pride ourselves on being an US/EU community based Corp. We have regular roams, needlejacks, gate-camps and other Corp only activities including industry and mining projects! We also have opportunities to get involved with the Alliance Tournament!

We have no strict requirements like Fleet Attendance Tracking [FATs] or activity requirements but we are searching for pilots who want to get involved in Corp and the wider alliance community on voice comms! We do however, have a requirement of a minimum of 20million SP, however, some exceptions can be made for the right players!

If you’re interested in learning more about .A-IN; please join our discord and get in touch with one of the following players:
Alternate Intention Discord

  1. BRCHY [CEO EU Timezone]
  2. Synthetic Nalelmir [Co-CEO US Timezone]
  3. Darian Torales [US Timezone Recruiter]
  4. IvanGS [EU Timezone Recruiter]

The above 4 players and our industry director Eve Chelien [US Timezone] make up our leadership team at [.A-IN].

We have a wide variety of game experience to cover all bases within the corporation and are wanting more players to join us on our journey in neutral sov null-sec!

So what’s next? If you’re interested, we are currently a vouch & interview only Corp and therefore the next step is to join our discord and contact us for a meeting on voice comms where questions can be asked either direction!

Alternate Intention & OnlyFleets Youtube

I’m in the corp. it’s frigging awesome.

Everyone gets along so well, there’s some really organised FC’s in the alliance and always people on comms to do things with.

Small enough to get to know people but large enough to field huge fleets… that as of recently made the eve news ! (We’re part of OnlyFleets)

Today just killed a fort too, living here is pretty good, Fairly safe to rate and make money, then ample roams, filaments and ops to go on.
There’s no fleet tracking cause people get busy, but with so much on everyone’s keen to get involved.

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The 1t fight was awesome.

You can checkout our content at: OnlyFleets Youtube

We’re still recruiting! Join our discord to find out more: Discord

Still looking for industrialists, PvPers and more to join us in neutral nullsec!

See what we’re all about below:

You can checkout our content at: OnlyFleets Youtube

We’re still recruiting! Join our discord to find out more: Discord

Happy Christmas All from .A-IN!

We are still recruiting PvPers, Industrialists and more to join us out in neutral nullsec!

OnlyFleets Youtube

Always recruiting for neutral sov-null!

Invite/Vouch Only so a meeting with a CEO or Recruiter on discord voice is required before joining!

If you are looking for a strong community to join then .A-IN are still recruiting and competing as a corp in captains cup 2025!

Check out more above!