Ambitious newbro-friendly startup mercenary corp seeks patron nullsec alliance with space for us to grow in

The Church of Space Piracy was founded with the goal of bringing newbros into nullsec and saving a generation of new EVE players from the peril of being trapped in hisec where it’s boring and most end up quitting the game.

We’re looking for an alliance which may be willing to sponsor our growth by providing us with a relatively secure place for our players to make ISK, and fleets for us to join for training. While the corp is willing to join an alliance I want to be up-front about the fact that this probably isn’t for a permanent arrangement. At some point we will likely become independent again and pursue our dreams of becoming EVE’s greatest mercenary pirate corp.

We would however like this arrangement to lead to permanent contacts and friendships if not permanent alliances. We’re looking for a mutually beneficial relationship while we grow, and when we’re ready to stand on our own we would like to depart amicably and with the potential for future mercenary contracts when your alliance needs more guys in fleets down the road.

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