Capital dominance is the game at the moment and it’s making combat pretty stale, I want to propose a strategic counter to capital dominance that is very hard to deploy but devastating if done well.
For this idea I would like to use the stealth bomber for the following reasons:
The stealth bomber is a ship designed to punch upwards only and be useless against it’s same size, it has positioning and the ability to move quickly across the galaxy with the help of black opp’s ship’s, making them really strong for counter initiation (during the madness of a fight where they might go unnoticed for long enough to wreck havoc).
The idea I’m proposing would be a new type of bomb called focused variants of bombs like the focused void bomb, which has a very tiny Area of effect of 1-500m and is very light weight only 5m3 allowing the stealth bomber to provide a continued assault against capitals, damage per bomb would be 10k damage but with the 5 sec reload and the small m3 it would be able to output an extra 2k dps from pure bomb’s to capital ships on top of the torp damage.
This make’s landing the Zero extremely difficult because of its flight time and would be almost useless against sub cap’s as they can move many km’s during the bomb’s flight time.
But capital’s don’t move very fast at all leaving them very vulnerable to this type of bomb, the bomb’s ehp would have to be great enough to not die to a single pulse of smart bombing, but at the same time maybe 2 pulses would be able to kill them, giving capital pilots some type of defense against them if they are on point.
Any criticism is welcome :]
Edit: I see the focused void bomb is already pretty similar but without damage, could be possible that CCP has already considered it if so we really need something like this in my opinion.
Some math:
Carrier 8m ehp:
10 bombers doing 2500 dps from bombs + torp’s will take 5 minutes and a bit to kill the carrier without bomber losses, the carrier will more than likely be able to kill off all the bomber’s with its drones by then, so upping to 30 bombers would kill the carrier in just under 2 minutes, in those 2 minutes the carrier will be able to kill off most of the bomber’s but It would probibly die before all bombers are killed.
Cost of carrier: 2.5 bil
Cost of 30 Bombers: 2.25 bil
Seems decent enough.
Titan 35mil ehp:
200 bombers dealing 2500 damage would take 70 minutes to kill the titan.
Launcher can hold 300m3
Half of stealth bomber cargo can hold 135m3
435m3 is 87 bombs (5m3 each) at 5 seconds per shot would last 7 minutes and about 15-20 seconds.
So to be able to kill a titan in 7 minutes you would need 2000 bombers around.
Cost of a titan 75b
cost of 2000 bombers: 150bil
Not very cost effective but at the same time those stealth bombers could have a hauler bringing in more ammo and just kill the titan over a longer period of time.