What you need to focus is gaining knowledge and understanding , Piloting skills…
Your skills on skill training queue will lvl faster than your mindset and knowledge get matured,
With higher skill points or with more stronger ships, you will do the same mistakes … untill you learn, you will be lack of piloting to pull some maneuvras …untill you learn… will take time to develop situational avareness and musvle reflexes,…
I never support my traniee pilots to use faction ships … or inject skills… i handout skill injectors only for some spesific traning sessions as a tool so pilot can at least inject skill and train it to lvl 1 . And not to incwntivise i did not let them buy it or get addicted . so they can experience how that module works in practice , gain insights, understand how to encounter or make fight or run decisions based on knowledge …
Do NOT fall these traps,… i know some of the best competetive pilots in New Eden, We came from hard ships but that made them stronger, more skillful, and more wise …
This is not i suffered you suffer you sucker thing … yes there are people out there use that frame with litearyly that meaning too.
But i hope you catch the nuance here and what i am trying to tell you…
Often repeats and repeats in different conditions helps you te learn faster and helps you to develop your muscle reflexes, as well as sharpens and recuces time to use on decision making .
That increases your speed and control.
Find someone who can train you and pitch up with some pilots who are both better than than you and also pilots who are new to PvP
Learn how to loose! That is one of the most important thing in EvE … your behaviors and attitudes tells alot things about your maturation .
Learn how to disengage ! Even before how to learn fight ! This is a skill . It is not being “ coward “ .
Just because of you scrammed or webbed … ot warp disrupted… doesnt mean you will die even pilot in front of you is older…
Learn how to banter in locals with quality.and without loosingnperspective… By cheers and .be light hearted… That is very important .
Your salt is preacious, DO Not give anyone who does not deserve it ! Untill than learn how to not to give it