[ARC] Athounon data capture

Ms. Priano…please tell me you are not so deluded that you are willing to ignore the fact that this bounty will indeed entice individuals to destroy ships of both State and Federation navies. Yes, members of these navies have sworn their lives and know they may very well perish on their deployment. But shouldn’t one try to avoid giving people a reason to kill others? Or have you become so desensitized to the fact the majority of people in space are not basically immortal. Research goals aside, and using “salvaging” as an excuse to justify to yourself what you’re doing is fine-- this is wrong.

I would expect this from many, many capsuleers in various organizations both friendly and hostile. But this is a new low for you, Makoto. I am ashamed to see what you have become.

And before anyone implies this is I-RED’s opinion, this is my own as one human being to another. Perhaps this sort of personal opinion on the value of life is getting more and more rare these days.