[ARC] Athounon data capture

Hello Makoto Priano!

I was just wondering if you were still in the market for trinary data fragments, as I have recently come across a few and wanted to unload them to an ethical data dealer.

Don’t mind any carbonized Minmatar residue on them, 'tis hard to get off but I assure you it does not affect the data transfer.

… Do you see the hypocrisy yet?


The Amarrian Orthodox Church, Sedevacantist would glady accept more Triglavian data streams.

I’ll pay you if she won’t.

Don’t back down now. Surely a respectable man as yourself meant his comments truly.


I feel like one could write the pilot of a comedy holo-sitcom based off this exchange.

Never change, IGS. It’s been a while since this place has been this entertaining. I’m glad to see things pick up again.


I see that the art of facetious irony is lost upon many in these times…

To be clear, Priano did indeed offer me payment for the data shards I procured in my regular pursuit of Imperial interests via the prosecution of legal war against the Minmatar in the Rebel Provinces. And to be clear, I will not actually be selling (even at the very generous rate offered) in the slim hopes that she will see reason and change policy from an open bounty to closed conracts for non-violent procurement of these materials.

I do this because following the pattern, eventually there will be ‘desireable’ information found in Imperial Navy databanks, and Amarrian lives will be needlessly ended for them.

Please, I am actually begging now. Do not do this. Change the policy, save lives, and stop trading in blood, if only for your own reputation’s sake. I say this as most likely the IGS poster with the most blood on his hands. I kill for duty, not money. Do not encourage others to do so.


Not to grant any absolution here, Aldrith, but no. Not once you start counting crew compliments, and especially not when you factor in the indirect responsibility.

Discrete contracts is a much better idea than this silly bloodbath Priano called for.


Provided if the data was more important for the caller than the said bloodbath. I do know ARC for quite some time and I don’t think I can remember at least one case where their motives looked… clean and genuine for me. I also know them too well to not take their words at a face value.

Taking their words at face value means believing what they tell you.

Wow, you managed to understand it?

Let me be clearer, then: this construction means that you know them well enough that you feel you must trust ARC. It directly contradicts the sentence before it.

Okay, I take my words back. You’re so hopeless that you couldn’t even see “NOT” before it. Now please be a kind tribal and stop bothering me with your incompetence. Thanks in advance.

‘I know them too well to not’ means ‘because I know them so well, I must’.

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