One of the lines in 47691 appeared to be a repeat; the characters are identical.
Well, I have a feeling that we are definitely looking at some kind of “treasure map” we even have a trail with this last “anomalous” vault
To anyone it may help:
I think that the “map” have “corrupted data”, here why:
when you read the two “strange” videos, and look at them, there is some “letters” that are at the EXACT same spot.
here an example I made,
I shall post any new finding if there are.
Correct, I noticed this too.
47609 has some overlaps with the frames in 47697:
1st Frames: Identical
2nd frames: Identical
3rd frames: partial overlap
4th: partial overlap
5th: partial overlap
6th: No apparent overlap
7th: Partial overlap
609 is, after frame 2, simply the first frame rotated.
An update from the independent(s) working on the 97’ vault
With the release of the 608 vault and 609 there has been additional data to work with.
the 608 vault apparently have given us a cryptic set of instructions involving the rotating of the various “frames” from vault 97’
Based on these interpreted instructions we’ve rotated the “frames” from vault 97’ in two different manners.
The first interprets the angles found in the frames to be instructions says by how much each frame has already been rotated. The first image below is the compilation of this process, without the “answers/clues” frame included. The second one includes it, with an interesting result.
This second image interprets the instructions as the angles we found as to be instructions to rotate the “frames” further by a specified amount. The result is obviously quite different from the first compilation. The first is without the “answers/clues frame” the second is with.
As can be seen, we have two exceptionally different sets of images here, one with very clear and hard to ignore overlaps, and another with very distinct vertical sections…
As always, when it comes to interpretation, this is where we’ve hit a wall of sorts, and are not sure of how to proceed. We ask for assistance in trying to find the next step forward in what has proven to be an immensely challenging task.
Credit to the following who have been of great help in this process: Viriel and Yoshitaka Moromuo
While not directly related to the latest puzzle, North Khanid Trade was able to sift through the provided video archive and attempt to create a timeline of events.
Running over just two minutes in length it is a good first look at how the Trinary and Drifters relate to one another.
Early on you can see a small frigate/shuttle craft exiting the scene prior to the events, making me wonder if this is the source of the data vaults.
The videos aren’t meant to be played one after the other, they’re small parts of a larger resolution. See here for more.
OK, looking through this now. First thing I see that I haven’t noted before is at 1:22, I assume the pair of structures in the lower frame below the Drifter hull are the Lux weapons?
Next thing I noted is that the attacking ships appear to be using a more traditional (to us) thrust based propulsion system, as opposed to the more exotic Drifter propulsion.
At 1:50 we see a very clear view of the attackers weapon system. The red sphere is free of the ship and seems to be a lens to focus the beam. I still speculate this is a plasma lance of some kind as the beam itself looks ‘ragged’ for want of a better word. This could be an artifact of the rough nature of the footage, but seems consistent across multiple views.
It reminds me of a coronal ejection, but focused into a beam, could the glowing sphere be a constrained fission reaction? Perhaps this is wormhole generation tech turned inward to create a constrained area of space/time, rather than opening it up.
1:54 The free floating sphere off the attackers hull, is that a camera drone maybe? This would imply the attackers design principles are somewhat closer to ours than the Drifters.
It seems I’ve gotten somewhere on this, but the result still doesn’t currently lead to any answers:
Are 47698 = 47609 and 47699 = 47608?
I haven’t looked in detail, but they appear similar at first glance.
This process looked at 3 seperate events:
The shuttle/Frigate pass
The Drifters firing/being fired upon
The Trinary flyby
I don’t have the notes readily available, but the datavault releases didn’t have the videos in any sort of order.
I’ll admit, there is certainly a lot of repeated action, which makes me believe there are at least three camera sources being used.
There are a few scenes where this is most apparent:
- when the two drifter ships fly past on the “right” side.
- when the camera swings towards the two Trinary ships.
In both of these we’re given the top, middle and bottom image almost at the same time.
The higher resolution argument is valid, but this was just easier to splice together, and provide a series of events.
It honestly warms my heart to see so much insight and collaboration on this.
While I have been called away on other duties of late, I am trying to catch up with the progress on this little puzzle. I have a small amount of knowledge with cryptography and language architecture, but far inferior to the skills on display here!
But, I will add my fresh eyes to the task.
It seems the compositing and orientation is now a large part of the problem, as well as determining if we are ‘reading’ it in the correct direction.
This is the kind of cooperation that makes my heart ache when i think about where we could have been today had Crielere endured.
Don’t waste your time, I already researched it and I’m not really sure about the result.
Here’s the data anyway:
The main idea is:
every letter is the initial letter of a star name inside a constellation
Here are frames and matches:
The Forge/Ihilakken
The only region that has constellations matching 3 frames is Metropolis,
The only constellation that matches 3 times is Metropolis/Rollera
I tried a quick brute force on rollera and metropolis to no avail, it may be possible we will find the solution in that constellation.
I gave up, talk about coincidences …
The idea was posited well before the most recent decryptions, and is thus not the most likely lead anymore.
Things fit together very well, but it hasn’t been cracked just yet…
Trying all sorts of things, hopefully we’ll make more progress soon
There’s one of the mistery ships from the footage in yulai at planet 10 station badly damaged
This report has been confirmed.
CONCORD agent Oveg Drust is currently aboard a heavily-damaged cruiser outside the planet 10 station.
Which means these ships are capsuleer piloted, or at least compatable