[ARC] Drifter wormhole formation rates

While this activity is beyond the Drifters’ normal lethargic resourcing operations, and is not a good sign by any measure, with the opening of so many wormholes to k-space, and most if not all at a time centered around observatory systems, an argument could be made for using the wormholes as shortcuts to other regions of space for however log this phenomena keeps up.

I am not advocating we ignore the threat that so many access points poses, but using them for enhanced travel purposes may be fruitful, and at the very least since they open into observatory systems there is a limited - albeit high - number of possible locations to enter and exit from.

If the Drifters do not want to lock their backdoors into eveyone’s backyard then it is no fault but their own that they should suffer the consequences.

Like more Hive fleet entry locations.

Addendum: Will there be any plans for using stealth bombers for fleets in the near future? After speaking with the elusive… Ciniel, i think her name was? She suggested simultaneous saturation decloak, torpedo, cloak tactics almost nullify casualties.

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Your locking time will mean for each drifter on-field, one of your bombers will not re-cloak, each time you fire.

Given the existence of doctrines that are already lossless when properly executed, that doesn’t seem effective.

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Even with the usage of sensor boosters? I never said that there would be no casualties, and I neglected to mention the near perfect synchronization of all the pilots involved, but it has been made out to be possible.

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Yes, even then. Drifters lock quickly.

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There are a few theorized lossless or low-loss doctrines that may scale to engage large quantities of Drifters. An alpha-oriented missile doctrine’s been simulated, and likewise a bomber doctrine. I’m not convinced on their viability, but some of the veterans swear they’d work. We’ll find out in due course, I’m sure.

That said, pilots, Drifter stabilized wormholes are down to normal formation rates. All five hive systems currently show as having 22 signatures in system, for a total of 110 wormhole entrances, including the five C2-C2 exits.


Hmm. How’s your trinary stockpile? Did you split it up, or is it still in one spot?

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