Background: My ‘main’ is in a low-key indy corp for a little over 10 years now. Even though we’re small and out of the way and don’t make waves, we’ve been wardecced a couple dozen times. Mostly by corps we’ve never interacted with. And mostly they’ve been fizzles, with no kills either side.
Over all those times, the corp leads say “Don’t undock, don’t feed them, don’t give them encouragement”. Or sometimes they just don’t even say anything. Some people have hopped corp to avoid it, some log out, some just do very minimal stuff. We tried having our own Citadel early on, and also moved it to a holding corp ‘for reasons’ I guess, but it got nuked anyway.
No biggie, these decs have been more an inconvenience than anything. But every year or so I look up discussions on Wardecs and it seems like the reaction is always “They’re broken, they’re exploited, they’re no fun, they’re too cheap or too expensive” yadda yadda yadda. Mixed with a few lines of “Oh yeah they suck now but they were great ‘back in the day’ when we did super cool things with them”. Except nobody seems to agree on when exactly those great days were.
Saw some discussions recently on how they’re still broken and CCP even copped to some pretty bleak numbers on just how broke, and people saying “This will fix it” or “that other thing will” or the usual “just go back to the way it was 10 years ago”. Which begs the question why they changed it 10 years ago, I guess.
Anyway, that’s my question(s). Is something basically wrong with the idea of Wardecs? Did they ever actually work? Are the problems (which mostly involve wardec corps looking for easy kills and KB padding I guess) something that can be fixed?
It seems like something that should be interesting and should be very EVE-like but it’s just never quite worked.
Your thoughts?