AUTZ - Wormholers, PvP - EXIT STRATEGY

Out of TZ bump! Weekend is over :frowning:

Things going on in EVE right now, one of these weeks work will ease off and I’ll be joining in :woozy_face:

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And again.

I’m a real spaceman! You can be one too!

be careful out there…

Or not :crazy_face:

Only 3 more weeks until HOLIDAYS :partying_face: … admittedly, a week is already booked away from EVE, but I also booked a bonus few days and I’ll be back baby!!!

Nearly the weekend!

and it’s over :frowning:

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an up once more!

anD up once more… :roll_eyes:

hello again. just checking in!

Closest I’ve got to AUTZ in a while. Bump!

And completely miss it again, ah well bump anyway

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1am on a saturday and not eveing :frowning:
at least can give a bump


Roll in style!