AUTZ - Wormholers, PvP - EXIT STRATEGY

so long as you don’t roll yourself out :wink:

I’m an elite roller, I never get rolled out. :sunglasses:

I beg to differ! :upside_down_face:

:arrow_up::arrow_up: Back to the top! :arrow_up::arrow_up:

Up-down-up-down… here we go again :heart_hands:

:x: :x: :x:


Friday bump! :koala: :x:

Monday bump!

Tuesday bump

Wednesday+1 bump

Post weekend by a fair margin bump

Bump! :up:

bump :crazy_face:

Bump - back to the top! :arrow_heading_up:

To the top!

Bump - back to the top! :arrow_heading_up:

Friday bump! Yayerrr! :space_invader:

Mid week bump!

Also, EVE Down Under promotion!

To the top!