Beta Launcher v0.4.x

Seems safe, i always delete them. But the files will download again in batches of ~350MB every time you start the launcher.

Now i also set the folder read only and will monitor to see if will be any issue when the game will want to update.

If you make /SquirrelTemp/ a read-only directory and keep launching the launcher, the memory usage seems to increase.
Can’t write to the file, so it’s dumped into memory?
To prevent this, you must close the launcher after starting the client.

It seems that there is no problem in deleting the contents of the /SquirrelTemp/ directory.

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I can’t get the installer to run.
System: gentoo-linux (not using Steam)

tried installing with the following wine versions:
wine-proton-8.0.4 → install fails with an error about running as regular user, not administrator
wine-staging-8.20 → install proceeds, system-tray icon appears, and the EVE logo overlay over my desktop, but then goes no further.

This is with the latest installer as of this message. Any tips for what I can try?

Is the “eve-online.exe” already there? Should be in your wineprefix in Apddata/local/eve-online.
Can try running it with “wineconsole exe-online.exe”, maybe it just had a hiccup

It’s doing the same for me, If you got to the logo the launcher should be installed.

Check in AppData/Local if there is a eve-online folder. In eve-online folder there should be a folder app-0.4.9 or whatever the launcher version is. Run eve-online.exe from that app-0.4.9 folder.

eve-online folder exe just links to the app.0.4.9 one, so both should work

oh, I see the issue. My wine-proton install installed to {WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/steamuser/, but this new one is installed under …/users/{username}. I’ll see if that works.


UPDATE: nope, it starts, but again only loads the system-tray icon and shows the EVE logo, and then this streams in the console:

00e0:fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl 0x120348 (device=0x12 access=0 func=0xd2 method=0)
00e0:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unimplemented ioctl _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 17)
00e0:fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl 0x120348 (device=0x12 access=0 func=0xd2 method=0)
00e0:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unimplemented ioctl _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 17)

PSA: Upgrade existing EVE failed, start with a fresh wineprefix did

Just in case somebody else looking for a solution finds this: Updating an existing wineprefix used with 8.20-devel to 8.20-staging wine and executing the new launcher showed me the EVE logo and then nothing. I did not get any javascript errors, only some typesetting ones.

Starting with a fresh wine prefix however did work, migrating the settings is not a problem.

strange… never had an issue with the SquirrelTemp folder until this week.

Launcher version 1.2.1 via Steam. (on Tumbleweed)

checked my file systems and it was filling up… 100gb + in there. I’ll keep an eye on it now!

Anyone on Ubuntu here using the official Steam (not the one thats included with Ubuntu… which is maintained only by Ubuntu people)…

Im using the Ubuntu’s Steam… and its getting annoying how one of my 6 omegas cant launch because my installation is corrupted, yet somehow… the other 5 omegas… which use the same folder… they can run no problems… anyone has an explanation or suggestion for that? Its getting annoying.

I also had today that stupid thing saying that I need to authenticate my device, ITS THE SAME ONE… ;(

I was running into an issue where the launcher was tossing am ’ unimplemented function msdelta.dll.ApplyDeltaW’ error. Launcher stayed up and clients launched, but it was annoying.

Eve University wiki has the following to say about this:

The updater is unable to update the launcher due to a missing component in wine. unimplemented function msdelta.dll.ApplyDeltaW, aborting This results in a ever growing squirreltemp directory. Manually cleaning is required at this point in time (January 2024). A fix for this behavior is being worked on: make the updater detect wine and do a full update.

Took a quick look through the winetricks verbs available and found this:


winetricks msdelta

for the wineprefix seems to have fixed the issue. Will monitor for some time to see if disk usage keeps growing, but at least the client does not error out on me when it tries to run an update.

Wine / Winetricks version:

$ wine --version
wine-8.21 (Staging)

$ winetricks --version
20240105-next - sha256sum: cd868b5357fc4d22a0c811687280759fb4575ab7e3687da5ab972c66c9614d76 


Someone had already solved the update issue in another thread

As i see that you are also running wine-8.21 staging like me, how should i proceed to update to the new launcher? Is it working seamless now and i just accept the update when it comes or is manual intervention needed?

If there is a manual intervention needed to get it installed and running, could you please give the steps needed to do so for wine-8.21 staging?

After the inclusion of the msdelta package from winetricks, i’ve not had to manually intervene with anything.

wineconfig looks like the attached picture

Launcher version is as follows

It’s a little sluggish, but works fine otherwise

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I tried installing it in my previous install

Just fails, no explanation, I see the Eve in the middle of the screen but that’s it.

So I install it in another prefix. This time it works.
I add my accounts (15 min), start the launch group
Close the launcher, relaunch it
It’s only present in my tray bar. can’t interact.
I reboot , try again. Same issue. It just does not start after the first install.

Did you change your wine version?

I had this a while back while running through steam on my PC, Linux Mint, Nvidia card, all hardware older than a decade.

Iirc it was somewhat related to the version of proton I was using. Had to roll back to Proton 5.13-6 for it to run. If it failed to open I had to roll forward to a newer version of proton, let it fail to run and then try again with 5.13-6. It would then work… once… and next time I’d have to do the forward/backward trick with proton again. I believe this actually worked because swapping proton versions triggers a cache purge, but I never figured out how to successfully purge the cache manually in a way that achieved the same result, so I just kept doing this whenever I was desperate to play eve. I also never found the ultimate cause for this, it eventually went away when I upgraded from HDD to SSD and did a fresh install of the OS.

not using proton, using winehq .
Been using SSDs for … 15 years ? now.

Try starting it with wineconsole instead of wine, that worked for me last time.

I tried and now I have loop of

014c:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unimplemented ioctl _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 17)
014c:fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl 0x120348 (device=0x12 access=0 func=0xd2 method=0)

okay I had other errors hidden among the fixme

  • had to install winbind
  • had to remove dxvk

still not working

edit : actually the second one is now working with wineconsole. Otherwise I have a javascript error Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, uv_pipe_open

edit : but then I have an error Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msdelta.dll.ApplyDeltaW called in 64-bit code (0x00000174013a07).

For msdelta see above.