Help us avoiding launcher issues, by following @CCP_Bartender and @Renard_DuGaulle recommendation to test the Beta EVE Launcher in advance. You can do this in the Launcher at the cogwheel in the Tools/Cache section. Set Version Type to “Beta”.
Please document your test results in this threat below.
Launcher Version 1923964 has a little hiccup-up on start, but it is working.
When starting it I shows an “Error: Couldn’t establish GUI version.” message, but after a second it recovers and works as expected.
Sorry, but I mean, does it affect the regular launcher if I go into the beta launcher? If I have troubles with the beta launcher… can I still go back to the regular launcher I had prior to the change?
Ah yes, I tried this for Lutris, but it didnt work. Everytime it updates Im forced to make a new installation with the latest Lutris installer that can do dxvk and esync, and that is provided by Lutris or part of the GUI. I havent tried backing up the Linux launcher, but I already have older evelauncher folders that I could use, if it breaks.
Someone know if there was a new beta update in these days? I was able to play the game with no problem with protonGE 6.16 until today. I had the beta option activated so i think that this happens because of a new beta version being tested i guess.