There should be a list of station types but I’m on my phone. There’s a cyno placement guide out there that may discuss station geometry, or at eve uni.
Also, research session change timers and spamming warp to save your pod.
The practice behind BRs is to use their speed and warp when cloaked. If you miss the cloak when leaving a gate then a fast align time will likely still save you.
As @Black_Pedro said before, you need to fit at least one istab II as your target is to get your align time down to 4 secs (ie in reality 3 point something). That takes out one low slot. Then you have a choice - fit a cargo expander in the other low, which you will need if using your BR to carry bulkier items into low sec eg structures like an athanor - or another istab II if you still have not reached 4 sec align time (or maybe a nano for more speed if you have).
A Warp Core Stabilizer (regardless of whether it is Tech 1 or 2) only provides defense against 1 Warp Disruptor.
It will not help against Warp Scramblers (which have 2 points of disruption) or an “Infini-point” (used by Heavy Interdictors).
Note: While fitting multiple Warp Core Stabilizers may help against Warp Scramblers, it won’t help against “Infini-points.” As the term implies, its warp disruption ability is “infinite” and thus cannot be directly countered.
You are effectively sacrificing a precious low-slot and some CPU power for a module that will only provide a small window of escape against a sloppy/lazy gatecamper.
Fitting a tanking module of some kind is actually more useful in more situations as it will help you better survive Smartbomb gatecamps and/or burn back to the gate in an emergency.
Though, you should probably fit stuff that helps you align or warp faster first.
The whole point of a Blockade Runner is to not get caught.
Even if you escape a gatecamp using a warp core stabilizer today, it may not help you tomorrow. This is because such an incident says to hostiles that you are slow / clumsy and that there is a “window” where you can be targeted.
Next time they may forego the Warp Disruptor entirely and simply blow you away with a ship that can One-Hit-KO you (see: Tornado-class attack battlecruiser)
lol, I should start a new discussion, “how to get ganked in your crane”
Jump into lowsec, your scout is not kos, start chatting, jump in with your cranepilot and believe that he is also not kos
get owned after several hrs, >40 jumps in lowsec because you know who owns this sector and you don’t know what kos is and you aren’t checking your status… and better keep leaving to the same bookmark over and over again, so that they can set theirs near yours.
listen to music and start getting inattentive, open a second account and scout ahead in highsec, ofc your alt doesn’t see if someone is or isn’t an enemy towards you…
just keep jumping uncloaked, hey it’s highsec and better buy the merchgoods you want to trade with before you reach your destination, so that maaaaybe they know who you are.
Lot’s of good info and answers to the OP’s questions in this thread.
As for the topic itself, it’s very hard to get caught in a Blockade Runner when it’s fit and piloted correctly by a skilled Capsuleer.
I’ve been using a Prowler Blockade Runner for a long time now and haven’t had any close calls or problems with it. Agility and speed with cloak warp is it’s defense. While in gate cloak I click the ‘warp to / jump’ command for the next gate en-route and then immediately activate cloak. When in null sec I’ll bounce off of a celestial first before going to the next gate destination. Doesn’t matter what security system I’m in, I always fly defensively with cloak activated.
I have my BR fit with Cov Ops Cloak in high slot, Medium Shield Extender, Invulnerability Field and 10MN Afterburner in mid slots, Damage Control, Inertia Stabilizer and Nanofiber Structure in low slots with Low Friction Nozzle Joints and Polycarbon Engine Housing rigs.
The reason I have an Invul Field mod on the ship is for undocking in high sec systems. After the session change happens, I’ll click the ‘warp to / jump’ for the destination gate and then immediately activate the Invul Field, that buffs the shield resists and due to fitting a Damage Control mod, gives the ship a lot more effective hit points which should hopefully survive a random gank attempt.
Perhaps the only thing left out, and it may have been mentioned much earlier, is insta-warp undock bookmarks for anywhere you go often. I know more than a few people who’ve died to smart bombs or tornadoes because they aligned on undock rather than warping straight to a safe before aligning to their gate. More BR pilots die aligning on the Jita undock than anywhere else. Just take a look at zKill stats for the obituaries…
Oh yeah, definitely should have insta-undock spots made for high sec stations with high traffic volume since the danger factor is much higher there than at normal stations.
Serious question - My understanding of how to make an insta-undock is to proceed straight out of the dock on MWD or AB for at least 150 Km, then save where you end up as a location. If this is correct, how do you survive initially trying to leave Jita for long enough to make an Undock in the first place ? Don’t you get zapped as you slowly move away from the Jita dock ?
You don’t do it in a BR. Do it in an interceptor (ideally) or fast frigate with a MWD. The bookmark you make can be used by you in any other ship you fly.
Your frigate won’t be exploded. Nor will you be exploded in pretty much any other ship you undock from Jita 4-4 except a BR. That ship class is just a gank magnet because the scan immunity often piques the interest of criminals who think you might have goodies hiding in your ship and will take a chance.
You can also sometimes use object in space, like celestials or mobile depots or whatever, directly in-line with the undock to warp to. Then you can drop your own bookmark there (or while in-warp if it is far away), or near there instead of flying out yourself.
Your vector up or down when exiting a station is somewhat random. When I make insta-undocks, I like to tack up or down towards the centerline in first person mode. I feel like this gives me a more optimal angle when exiting.
I like to make mine at longer distances as well, such that I am that much more unlikely to arrive at a camped insta-undock point. I also immediately activate the cloak on my BR, if I’m piloting one, before I arrive and align to a gate.
No kill like overkill, which these measures may be.
For high sec just undock in a fast small Frigate fit with a MicroWarpDrive and activate the prop mod as soon as the session change is done.
Personally I prefer to make my insta-undock bookmarks larger than 150km range. All someone has to do is activate a MicroJumpDrive 100km in your direction and they’ll be within firing range.
There’s also another way to make insta-undock bookmarks which works really good in low and null sec space but takes much longer and requires the use of a Cov Ops Cloak.
Basically warp cloaked to within 100km range of the station, select ‘look’ option at the station and see where the exit point of the station is located, then maneuver your ship and get in line with it, then travel straight out away from it while cloaked. Using the Tactical Map and the ‘look’ option at the station while zooming camera view in and out helps a lot to get your ship aligned.
If there’s a celestial object further out in-line with the exit point of the station, you can quickly make bookmark spots in warp between the station and that celestial object. After making a couple of choice spots while in-warp using the solar system map, you can easily set up an insta-undock spot that’s completely off-grid.