Board Ship - Open Fitting Tool?

This appears to have turned up in an update maybe 2 weeks ago?

Any time I board a ship, the game “helpfully” opens the fitting tool for me.

I understand it, I can see the utility in checking your fit before you undock, but seriously, it’s p*****g me off.

At least give us an option to toggle it off?


Why so mad they’re just trying to be helpful. /s

:eyes: :innocent: :psyccp:

Maybe there’s some sort of setting for it in Esc menu…

Anyway, it hasn’t happened to me yet but yeah, I’d definitely be pissed if that was happening…

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There is always something. Recently the UI has Aura popping up for me telling me about the industry. I have been here a while so it isn’t like the rookie help chat for 30 days stuff. While her popping up every time I do a BPO is annoying, it doesn’t have my urine flowing just yet.

Meanwhile my neighbor has said, they are having trouble with mousing over and clicks not happening. I told him it is the NSA or CIA spying on him. The man is very paranoid about that stuff. We all know that 98% of this game is those 2D menus, when they don’t work, the game doesn’t work. Sure wish the Norwegians best of luck fixing their game.

Have fun!

Yeah, got that too half the time. But…
Are you doing more than “one double click”? If so, that could be it.

Double-click the ship you’re already in (from the ship hangar, from the right side station panel). It does open the fitting window.

I have double clicked into ships for many years, it has only started recently.

Agree, just trying to help in pinpointing from where the f is happening recently