@LeeWoonJae if you want to propose a good bounty system, try following these steps:
Keep it simple
Make it worth doing
Don’t encourage people to abuse it
You’re currently having trouble with point 1, as I see a lot of restrictions, numbers and other things to stop abuse. Keep it simple!
It seems you’re not doing enough creative thinking for point 3. There are a lot of holes that we shouldn’t point out.
Try this: each time you propose something, try to take a step back and write down every way your system can be abused that you can think of. And then try to see if you can change your initial idea in such a way that these forms of abuse don’t happen.
It’s this last part where you seem to have trouble, and is likely what the others mean with ‘not enough experience yet’. You need to actually want to abuse this new system you created. How would you use it to your own benefit in a non-intended way?
Also, just putting up a restriction every time you find such a case of abuse will get you into trouble with point 1.
And in the end, if you have something that will not get abused and is simple, do a final check if it’s still worth doing for the bounty hunters. Probably it isn’t.
The reason you see a lot of numbers seems to be because people are saying it’s abusable in certain ways and I’m illustrating those scenarios to show how it would work.
The two features are very simple in their basic forms:
Bounty kill right. This is just an upgraded kill right formed by handing in the original and paying your bounty.
Bounty agent. This is used to get the bounty kill right and randomly assign them to bounty hunters. This is intended to make bounty hunting more interactive for legitimate users and more hoops to jump through for ganking alts.
This is a difficult balance to achieve due to the ability to commit insurance fraud. I have achieved better returns for legitimate bounty hunters than the current system by:
Increasing payouts kills. Due to calculating bounty payouts based on actual insurance payouts not just a flat 20%. This improves payouts on under insured kills, and still punishes higher insured kills. The minimum loss for an attempt at insurance fraud is 10% of insurance payout.
Bounty hunters get to engage bounties in high sec without concord intervention. Kill rights only allow one kill then disappear. These don’t. More bounty kill rights hanging around means more targets.
I’ll have a look at making a list. But the forums are intended to provide an area to discuss these issues with player features. Others may notice something I’ve missed. So, I don’t think posting an early idea on forums is a bad idea. The ability to flesh it out is useful.
Certain persons, like myself do HS industry…in a serious way.
They build things like any mining gear you can think of…
They also have gank alts…that acquire faction mining drones, or destroy said mining gear above…
They then either do it themselves on their mains or have their friends, or ppl like me put such stuff up on market(and give kickbacks to them).
The ganker community, wardc community, etc…have ppl that know the market, have contacts with others that deal with the market on a daily basis…basically the Combat PvPr’s run the market is the gist of what I am saying here. and thats all im going to say on the subject, at least more than enough hints at how things actually work that im willing to say.
Now if you want to travel down the rabbit hole…go get some real experience and not just book knowledge then come back with something other than the trainwreck of a proposal you already have here…by all means.
and this is the end me being in this thread cause i no longer feel like being civil.
I understand that the markets can be manipulated. And also that these are actively used to try and exploit insurance.
This is why the destroyed values are based on base values and not market values. The same way insurance is. CCP is in control of the base value. They can adjust the base values on their end to what they want it to pay.
My system is in no way more open to abuse than the current insurance system, or the current bounty payout system.
If CCPs base value figure is wildly manipulated, this is a problem with the base value. This would apply to insurance in general. This is up to CCP to monitor this (as they do).
If my system didn’t improve the payouts at all, just paid the usual 20% of base value that normal bounties do, then you still get a useful benefit. You get extended kill rights against pilots who committed illegal acts (that can’t be applied to innocents), so now you can shoot them in high-sec.
That change on it’s own is an improvement on the current system.
Honestly, Bounty Hunting could be a blast, but would need a game-changing update in reality. IMO, it would have to be similar to FW in terms of you enlist in it as a Bounty Hunter, and would involve Empire standings to determine who you could engage and where. Essentially it would allow pvp where an Empire NPC would normally engage a player or something. But I’m not articulate enough to really put it down on “paper”.
I bet that video has a whole lot of errors or is a useless bounty system since every system ever posted on the forums has either had exploits or been more useless than the current system.2
Post your idea on the forum, don’t expect everyone else to run off and watch a video.
just wanted to update this here with a little something, i’m trying working on experimenting with a new system, won’t give out details yet. but wanted to have something more concrete in place before i bring it forward, but it might even re-work a whole bunch of suggestions I have already made and possibly look at removing kill rights from my suggestions entirely.
keep your eyes peeled for bounty hunting 3.0 some where and some time in the future
no idea when, only working with a concept for now, but will work something together in time.
since I last posted this and had mixed reactions from the community which took some explaining I have been making efforts to re-work, simplify and thus re-intergrate bounty hunting into the game.
My Progress with Bounty Hunting v3 is moving along swiftly based on my current approach
so I will not be posting again on this thread and have flagged it and requested it to be closed.