Breakdown of CSM Membership by Nation

I read today that, there having been no CSM Summit in 2023, the Members met up for drinks in Maine, in the USA. I assume they didn’t travel there from anywhere outside the US for that (though I may be wrong…!).

Which got me thinking, quite idly. What is the current make-up of the CSM, by nationality? It is irrelevant to their roles, of course, but is interesting from a sociological point of view. Or from that of idle curiosity…


I need to find out what establishment they are having those drinks at. Dress up as a Machariel and bump them around the bar, while telling them about my Hypernet offerings…


…and were never seen from since. :smiling_imp:
A good start to a Stephen King novel.

Yeah, would be interesting info… Now about them all meeting for drinks in Main, USA…

So there’s like about a dozen CSM members, all from various nations of the world… And since it wasn’t a CSM conference it’s a sure bet they all didn’t meet there. So yeah, highly doubtful any international travel was done.

Anyway, let’s say maybe half a dozen of the CSM members are from the USA, due to the fact that their location could be thousands of miles away from each other, it’s still a good bet that they all didn’t meet there.

I’ll say it’s possible that only a couple of CSM members met there, probably with local Eve players doing an Eve Meet…

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There was a Summit in 2023, however for CSM 18 the breakdown is:

6x North America
5x Europe

Which comes out to 11, since our 12th member (Mark Resurrectus) is now CCP Jotun.


Thanks, @CCP_Swift, I do appreciate it.

This thread can be closed.


Closing at request of Op.

More info can also be found here: Current CSM - EVE Community

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