I read today that, there having been no CSM Summit in 2023, the Members met up for drinks in Maine, in the USA. I assume they didn’t travel there from anywhere outside the US for that (though I may be wrong…!).
Which got me thinking, quite idly. What is the current make-up of the CSM, by nationality? It is irrelevant to their roles, of course, but is interesting from a sociological point of view. Or from that of idle curiosity…
I need to find out what establishment they are having those drinks at. Dress up as a Machariel and bump them around the bar, while telling them about my Hypernet offerings…
Yeah, would be interesting info… Now about them all meeting for drinks in Main, USA…
So there’s like about a dozen CSM members, all from various nations of the world… And since it wasn’t a CSM conference it’s a sure bet they all didn’t meet there. So yeah, highly doubtful any international travel was done.
Anyway, let’s say maybe half a dozen of the CSM members are from the USA, due to the fact that their location could be thousands of miles away from each other, it’s still a good bet that they all didn’t meet there.
I’ll say it’s possible that only a couple of CSM members met there, probably with local Eve players doing an Eve Meet…