Breaking: DammFam Refinery Attacked

Indeed, they must be saved, salvation is their only hope.

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Then maybe you guys should try not murdering everyone in range. Last I heard, babies don’t respond well to anti-matter munitions like your side seems fond of flinging at civilian populations.

I would think you would attempt to get civilians out of range, but it does appear the Minmatar see these civilians as a cheap price to pay for good propaganda. Certainly helps in encouraging your people to stage another terrorist invasion and execute more of your own people like on Mekhios.

On the plus side, they did a decent job of executing theirselves once the invasion was slapped down. It did not take much for them to be too cowardly to face life anymore, and dared not let those they were there to supposedly save live either.

The killing will continue though, killing of civilians by both sides, until the Minmatar Republic is Reclaimed. But the killing of civilians is not anything even remotely on the Republics radar as a consequence to their actions. And true, it will not stop the Amarr in our divine purpose either.

Feel free to blame all of the death on us to make yourselves feel better, we do not expect heathens to understand, but we will in the end bring the Minmatar Republic into God’s grace.

For the Minmatar, death is nothing more than propaganda. For Amarr, it is a path to salvation.

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No taking credit for our work, child. Get your own kills.

Apologies Mizhara, you are welcome to take credit for killing any and all innocents and civilians you like. I like an honest terrorist.

Edit: Better than a dishonest one anyway.

Sure, let’s just randomly uproot whole population centers to be out of range of attacks that could come at any time, from submersibles whose positions remain unknown, on a planet under siege. That’s certainly viable.

So you choose to fight within the populations centers and get these civilian casualties up which you claim to be so against, when in reality, civilian casualties are not a consequence for the Republic, rather it serves a purpose for your Republic, which is propaganda.

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Well, that’s a lovely straw man you’ve constructed, but no. Arrach “Muh Fefe!” Sarum got mad at Amarr capsuleers, so he decided to invade a planet, then started lobbing anti-matter munitions at civilian population centers when his ground forces started losing.

Try to spin it all you like, but those are the facts, as presented by non-Republic sources. Namely, Sarum’s spokeman, and the Scope.

Unless you think Olacar xer Sarum is a Republic propagandist?

Have you ever had a conversation where you do not call everything a straw man? I believe I will refer to you as Straw Lady from now on.

And does not change the fact your side chose to fight in a population center. And does not change that the Republic is oh so happy to have the propaganda. And you are delighted to use it as ammunition in defense of your cause at every chance.

You spinning this and asking if Olacar xer Sarum is a Republican propagandist makes no sense at all so I have no comment to that. You accused me of spin then you spin uncontrollably into orbit. Must of learned that from the Goons.

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Plenty of them. They usually happen when people aren’t making things up to add into the conversation so they can then use those fabricated elements as things to rail against. You know, like you’ve been doing.

Again, you add in that same element that wasn’t there before. Really, doubling down on it doesn’t make it true.

All in all, a lovely response devoid of any substantive rebuttal. 1/10 for effort, though.

Straw Lady,

I think we are done here. Go have a seat before you fall down.

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Yes, yes, go on and scurry off now. You wouldn’t want to accidentally tell the truth for once.

So I see you’re just degrading yourself even further.

And then they ask me, why I don’t like talking with minmatars?
Just look at yourself, you’re ignorant who blames others in ignorance when they point you at facts. What a shameful display.

Do I really need to chew it for you for your mimnatar head to be able to understand at least anything?
Loyalty is decided by people themselves, not by YOU based on what who have liberated a person.

Either you don’t want to actually “liberate” people, and just bringing it as an excuse to channel your hatred… or you’re dumber than a cork. And I honestly don’t know what is worse, and why I am still wasting my time on you.

It’s not about what YOU believe in, it’s about what you’re bullying OTHERS into.

Judging by you it should be rewritten as “the ‘warriors’ who are willing to sacrifice lives of innocents to prevent a second Day of Darnkess”

What a mess.


You will never understand true freedom, enlightenment thru ones inner self, or Brotherhood, trusting in the guy next to you more then the God’s Filthy Amarrians bow down to, but keep on praying to a false God to justify your heinous acts of violence and slavery, just because your all to lazy to do your own work!!! what God tells you to enslave a whole Race to cater to another Filthier Inferior race? The answer is simple, no God would , your whole faith and religion is all fake, and in your head’s ! Don’t worry tho, the Minmatar will show you this personally, as our shells rip thru your ships, and missiles melt your tiny armor plates, exposing them filthy clones, we will show no mercy and kill you all, we will not stop until we free everyone of our people that haven’t been corrupted by your filthy faith! Your see one day of all your wrong, and burn in your own pit for it !

Ah yes, the ol’ edgy-angsty-Minmatar-pride-burn-all-the-false-god-worshipping-Amarrians-alive stick.

Never gets old, that one. Does it?

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Its been looking a bit brighter in the Great Wildlands lately, it appears your shells are failing to rip through our ships and the missiles are not melting our tiny armor plates.

The Minmatar Republic will be shown the light, and the darkness will fade away. The Day of Light is approaching.

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And you’ve been so good at helping your allies in Fi.Re, haven’t you?

Well, I am not the one that makes the decision to help them or not. Nor do I have the authority to speak for Test on that subject.

Personally though, and this is just going off what I have heard about that whole ■■■■ show, I do not want to help them, it sounds like they have made their bed.

So have the rest of PAPI.