[BREAKING] The Final Destination of Dr. Hilen Tukoss

I int - – — - ---- - - - -de - - - – -gh-- - - – - - -ible, but – - - a- - - - to - – – - h - - – k the v---- - - - - - - CISC tra- — - -der b - – -e — -, I – - it – - – as- - – - -gat-- --.

This line from his final message makes me think he was unable to do something concerning a CISC transponder, which would help to explain his inability to validate or connect properly to our network.

Regardless, even though he got a message out to us somehow, his clone was never activated - that alone gives me some strong certainty that there were incompatibilities between whatever interfaces Tukoss had access to and what we use on our end.


… that we know of.

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Yeah, but if he was patching off a Sleeper device then he would only be able to send a differential update out, It wouldnt transmit his whole infomorph

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So figuring out how to hack and control an incompatible data system while existing only as a data construct that can’t interact with the system[1] is “I would think within the capabilities of someone like Dr. Hilen Tukoss”, but once he has control, getting the nanite repair systems to fabricate a system to get him into the data systems of a friendly med-bay[2], isn’t?


  1. Because, after all, until he hacks it, he’s incompatible.
  2. As a ‘backup’, since soft-clones don’t require any transmission of entangled particles.
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It is radically different to what we use. I’m attempting to analyse parts of the Sleeper network but it is a slow job. From the look of it they can host an infomorph on an AI processor array. Which means you are effectively a program and I don’t even want to contemplate what you would see. That, I suspect, would give huge advantages in taking over a drone system. Communicating over a network is a different matter, especially the Sleeper one, which appears to be broken in part. Fundamental differences at the physical, transport and protocol layers as well.

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Because you are, yes. You’re a data construct. In the meat, you’re the electrochemical state of all of the neurons. Outside of the meat, you’re just a record of those states.

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Seeing as Tukoss was taking to us, I’d assume he had some sort of medium to operate in again - whether that’d be a sleeper machination or a body construct of some kind - and whatever vessel he took was operable by said medium.

Should it be a Drifter vessel of some sort, the communication difficulties would be even more acceptable, as they have no motive to use or communicate on our type of network as it is.

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And yet they generate an IFF/Ident transponder signal that does communicate with our networks.

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Well in that case, a datahikacked Sleeper drone vessel would make even MORE sense, as those certainly don’t provide any sort of individualized idents that we can pick up.

And what’s your alternative explanation for these communications as a whole, then?

I don’t know that I have one. I’d want an independent review of all of the data by analysts who aren’t already invested and don’t already have a few theories of their own. Confirmation bias is a ■■■■■.

Meanwhile, I’m very curious just why Trii was looking to eradicate all the data, rather than just handing off to someone else if it was a waste of her time.

@Trii_Seo? Do I have to lock you in a small room with Xenuria for a while?

For example:

Has that assumption been challenged? Has there been any method isolated for determining that in fact that was the ‘actual Hillen Tukoss’?

The warning by the sender of the last messages that following the instructions of the calculated and syntax-searching senders of the first two might be a good clue as to who would be who.

As for Trii, she’s a part of the same group you are - one that’s been heavily invested in developing Upwell-patented infrastructure across its sovereign claim for some time now. With the approaching advent of navigation structures, I can see members of such a group not wanting anything that could threaten their development to slip out - something Miss Seo definitely had in mind when attempting to conceal this data.

Which is why I’m threatening her with Xenuria. :wink: Rank hath its privileges.

Except, of course, that if the Drifters can make use of Sleeper technology—as they apparently can—that would include the constructs we believe are Sleeper Habitats, where their infomorphs are stored, but active, effectively ‘dreaming’ virtual lives.

Give me a captive infomorph and control of facilities like that, I’ll give you every secret that mind ever had. A virtual environment can be configured to draw out information, either as torture or the presence of a close confidant… an imagined escape, even.

Heck, if I had a dangerously brilliant hostile infomorph in that kind of situation and wanted to know how to get his potential would-be rescuers off my trail… I’d simulate an escape in the virtual construct. Let him think he’s getting out. See what he does.

Then fake that to his friends… Use his actions to make it look good. Just feed them incorrect information.

So, like I said: Has that assumption been challenged? Has there been a method found that can prove the sender’s identity, as we know the Drifters have impersonated him before?


You do make a point there - my response to that, though, is that only the hexadecimal-ridden and artificial sounding entity hasn’t requested that we provide it with something, though the broken messages presumably do ask to not attack the Sleeper vessel incoming.

Another important note, though: the Drifters may not have total control of the Sleeper world and technology. The destroyed enclaves in the Hive sites, the equally wrecked enclaves found plundered during the Warzone Extraction event, and the absolutely pillaged Sleeper Caches we can see now-decloaked and looted across known space - these all suggest to me that the Drifters are not the “administrators” of the construct, so-to-speak - that is, they might have inhabited it and have the ability to utilize it for their doings, but seem to lack full control for some reason or another.

That possibility makes the idea of jailing Tukoss and using his ident, as opposed to picking him apart and learning all they could, seem plausible.

Sure. Problem is, that’s a whole lot of ‘suggest’, ‘might’, and ‘seem’ to use as base ‘givens’ for later extrapolation.

Building uncertainty into your premises is a terrible was to get reliable conclusions.

I’m in agreement, the Drifter Hives are much more recent. Also it seems to be the other way around, Drifters working for the Sleepers as opposed to the other way about.

These guesses on my part concern motives and ability to do certain things - we know for certain that “Hilen Tukoss” sent messages, their ping to the local router in Eram, and that he states he was incoming to Site One, but has never materialized there. Then you have his revocation of citizenship and the resulting lack of human rights he would now have, the founding of Upwell by members including the owners of the station his last transmission was closest to, and Upwell’s production of novel and revolutionary technology - including their own Doomsday, not at all unlike the mysterious rumored-Terran weapon of Jamyl Sarum.

These are all truths, not conjecture - drawing lines between knowns is the only way to map unknowns until you might confirm them.

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The issue is that there is a lot we can’t know. Can look at the evidence and the way it all seems to point but I don’t see the key players coming out and holding their hands up. There are things happening in New Eden that don’t add up.

Yup. Those, we can verify. Well, except for this bit:

Accuracy would demand we say ‘the station closest to what we believe is the location of a transmission that appears to be the final message from Hillen Tukoss’. Because while an transmission point can be identified, we can’t be sure the transmitter wasn’t relaying a message sent to it from elsewhere… plus the Tukoss question.

Make sure, while you’re drawing your maps, that you don’t erect a wall and overlook the ditch that runs under it.

As for the ‘novel and revolutionary technology’… let’s keep in mind that the Upwell Doomsday came some months after an earlier wave of significant developments in Doomsday-class weapons, including the Bosonic Field Generator, Lance, Scythe, and the Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillator, or ‘GTFO’ superweapons. Clearly, technology in that vein has been under development for some time.

The limitations on a Doomsday can in a number of ways be seen as the result of the limitations of their housing. A Leviathan or Ragnarok, the longest titans, measures 18km long. The power requirements for each of the ship-bound superweapons is 100,000 megawatts. The Standup Arcing Vorton Projector requires 1,000,000 megawatts of power, and is housed in a structure ten times the length of a titan, and several hundred times as massive.

You don’t need some super-secret alien technology to do that. It’s been how long since Jamyl Sarum’s superweapon? Do you think any of the great powers hasn’t been working their asses off trying to duplicate it over that entire time?


Apologies for my slip of the tongue on that part, but it seems the most likely - especially if you compare the ping for the first “real” Tukoss message to his second one - if he were able to connect to a fluid router network, it should stay the same, no?

Additionally, on the topic of doomsdays, all of those were released to us simultaneously - and the GTFO and Boson were both in fact Society of Conscious Thought innovations, making use of what we could very safely assume is Directorate knowledge left to them as their inheritor (confirmed with the release of the Praxis, developed using Jove tech). The comparability of some of these to Sleeper tech is obvious, especially given the now known ancestry of the Sleepers to the modern Jove.


With all due respect, hundreds of the new Doomsdays were constructed and ready for sale (and in fact, sold) the very first day the first Upwell specs were released. The first Keepstars weren’t deployed for months.

Just because the specs were released to us at the same time doesn’t mean they were developed at the same time. The AVP came about as a result of a combined effort of firms with access to the Matari (Eifyr), Gallente (ORE), and Caldari (Mordu’s Legion) military-industrial complexes, at least.

You want a source for their secret weapons research? Industrial espionage is a lot more likely than ‘alien technology’.