Brisc Rubal 2020 - Tanned, Rested and Ready for CSM 15


Voting for the CSM 15 election has begun. The Initiative family has three candidates on the ballot right now - Brisc Rubal (yours truly), Exookiz (IM) and PJHustle (IA).


All omega accounts may vote. This means if you have 10 subscribed accounts, you may submit ten ballots. Each ballot has a slot for 10 votes. It’s in your best interests that you vote all 10 slots on each ballot.


Go to:

From there, login in the first of your accounts, select your ballot and fill in all ten slots. Once that’s done, click submit.

THE BALLOT WILL PREPOPULATE FOR EACH NEW ACCOUNT YOU LOG IN, so you only have to login and click submit again to vote, not redo the ballot each time. Make things a little easier for you 20 account multiboxers out there.


If you’ve put Brisc at the top of your list (or #2, if you’re in TDSIN), please email, EVE mail, Tweet, send me a discord PM, or otherwise inform me of how many votes you’ve cast. I put all of those votes into a tracker so I can make sure we’re on pace to do what we need to do in order to get representation on this CSM. I also want to be able to send thanks you notes, dick pics (this was a joke) and the like to those who took the time to help me and the rest of the team get elected.


As I pinged out yesterday, the best way to make your voice heard is to vote your entire ballot. Make sure to fill in all ten slots, so at least one person you like ends up getting elected. Hopefully you have been following the campaign and have researched the candidates and know who you like and don’t like (hopefully you like me and the other INIT guys). If not, here’s a list of candidates that I think can do a good job (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER after the INIT bros) that you should consider voting for.

Brisc Rubal
PJ Hustle

Darius Caliente
Insidious Sainthood
January Valentine
Jurius Doctor
Mike Azariah
Pandora Singularity
Stitch Kaneland
Torvald Urux


Thanks for voting everyone, and feel free to visit for more information on the campaign, me, some funny videos and memes. Together, we can win this thing.



You can read my interview with EVE News 24 here, if you’re interested.


If you haven’t had a chance to get out and vote yet, you’re running out of time to do so. Voting closes for CSM 15 at 1200 UTC (that’s one hour after down time) on Monday, June 8 - 12 hours away from now.

Let’s look at this CSM campaign by the numbers:

1.19 billion isk in sponsored zkillboard campaign ads
7,306 views on campaign videos
3.9k views on the official campaign post
29 hours and 37 minutes(!) worth of candidate appearances on EVE media
660 Reddit karma on submitted campaign threads
202 replies on my CSM candidate thread
62 EVE mails received and responded to on the election
54 Items on “Brisc’s List
19 posts on the campaign website at BriscForCSM
15 endorsements
15 Appearances on various EVE Media including

  • Push to Talk (1)
  • Declarations of War (1)
  • Open Comms (4)
  • The Meta Show (5)
  • Trash Talk Tuesday (2)
  • DTM135 (2)

12 propaganda posters
6 gilded campaign submissions on Reddit
5 Hosted Meta Shows
4 Campaign videos on Youtube
4 Hosted Open Comms Shows
2 Pets
1 Mining Intern
1 Annoyed wife

VOTES: ???

Let’s bring it on home - 12 hours until voting closes. Vote Brisc for CSM!



Generally speaking, the one thing I learned that I think is critical for every CSM member to learn is that you don’t need to come prepared to give CCP an answer to every problem you bring to them. It’s often enough to simply highlight that there’s player concern in an area, explain why the existing system isn’t working and what players dislike about it, how that’s impacting the game and retention, and then suggest that CCP take a look at fixing it.

So basically, Brisc Rubal, wants everyone to believe that he is the best man for the CSM team, but like he said, “CSM don’t have to come prepared to give CCP an answer on every question that you bring them.”

Why would a CSM bring questions before CCP that the CSM didn’t have an answer for? It’s the job of the CSM to structure answers to questions brought before CCP so that CCP has an understanding of the question and a possible answer.

What it sounds like to me is that Brisc Rubal would rather sit around in committee meetings being a yes sir, no ma’am kind of CSM.

It’s also apparent that Brisc Rubal really has no interest in working with committees to bring CCP an answer. CCP has for more pressing issues to deal with then extrapolating and answer form a question that Brisc Rubal has obviously put forth the effort to remedy. Basically, Brisc Rubal will simply throw questions as CCP and make CCP do the work, which is not the job of CCP.

Brisc Rubal has neither the competence or demeanor to be a CSM as he would cast lots for those paying him a fancy share while others were cast into the lot.

Thanks for your comment, because you have summarized the biggest issue confronting most CSM members: some players perceptions of what the CSM is and is supposed to be and the actuality of what the CSM is and what the CSM is supposed to be.

I said it before, and I’ll repeat it, because your entire post makes it clear you don’t understand the point of the CSM.

CSM members are not game designers.

CSM members are not game developers.

CSM members are not responsible for fixing the things that CCP breaks.

CSM members are not responsible for solving the problems that the community has with EVE.

That’s not the role of a CSM member. It never has been. Only in the minds of a handful (really only one) CSM member has this ever been their job.

So what are CSM members if they’re not developers and designers?

CSM members are players.

CSM members are player representatives.

Our role is to come prepared to talk about EVE, to represent the players, provide feedback, highlight trouble areas and concerns in a collaborative way.

As I’ve said before, and I’ll repeat again, how we finally got the wardec mechanic fixed during CSM 13 is a perfect example of how the CSM works and how it’s supposed to work.

It took three consecutive CSMs - 11, 12 and 13 - to get CCP to acknowledge that the war dec mechanic was broken, and to do the research necessary to confirm that it wasn’t just a small sliver of players who had an issue with it. Once they did the research, the numbers were incontrovertible and demonstrated that they needed to do something immediately to fix the issue.

While we had plenty of ideas of what could be done (and CCP had heard them all before), in the end, it was a CCP team that came up with the final redesign of the war dec system. Over the next seven months, the CSM worked with CCP, followed the progress of the changes, and saw them implemented in the game. Did we ever come to the table with an implementable design that CCP could just take and code to solve that problem? No - we didn’t have to. It was enough that CCP did the research, confirmed community sentiment, committed to fixing the problem, allocated the right resources to the problem, developed and coded the solution, and then put it in the game.

That’s how the CSM is supposed to work. That’s how it actually does work.

Basically, Brisc Rubal will simply throw questions as CCP and make CCP do the work, which is not the job of CCP.

That’s exactly their job, lol. This is what they get paid to do.

Now, if you think that someone like me, who has played the game daily for years and has wide community contacts throughout all of the game, is a bad choice for CSM, I don’t know who you’d think would be better. There are few people running who have the same network, experience, and skill set that I do.

Since you clearly don’t like me, I hope you voted for them. It was probably a wormholer, I’m sure.


Now that the voting is over, we can discuss the shark grin Marshal skin. Great concept, but your Brisc’s List mentioned the P-51 was the concept originator. Actually, it was from the P-40 Warhawk; specifically most famous from the American Flying Tigers stationed in China.

Still, that looks great on the Marshal. Only wish the ship was more useful in HS, but being Black Ops makes it less than ideal. Now if it was as useful as the Enforcer…

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Well, I didn’t say it was the ORIGINATOR, just that they were on the P-51s. You’re right though.

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:+1: congrats!


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Thank you all for having the trust and faith in me to elect me to CSM 15. I’m looking forward to serving another year, and I look forward to working with all of you.

Here’s my reaction video to my election. Enjoy one last fun video.


@Brisc_Rubal congrats on your victory! What’s the best way to run things by you directly? Unless you actually read and reply to all your EVEmails, I don’t want mine falling in-between the cracks :wink: .

Can Archer mail you a hand-lettered manifesto?

Oh pleaseee I’m keeping my manifesto to myself. Proprietary trade secrets and all that jazz. There was just something on Brisc’s List™ I wanted to ask him about.

I do actually read and response to all of them, scarily enough, but best way is discord. Brisc Rubal#1337

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Are we going to see a return to your frequent presence in these forum as per your first term or are are you going to rely more on “private” communications or other venues? Always appreciated you airing out issues here, although I can appreciate the more private channels for initiating a topic discussion. While these forums can degenerate into a troll fest, I still feel that they are still the best way to gather the overall general feelings of an issue by the largest number of players. Would prefer a general questionnaire going out to targeted players based on their character activities data, but realize that CCP has always felt they knew where they wanted to go (even during those times where they are actually lost in a development forrest).

Come on in, only a few of the people are peeing in the official EVE forum pool…er wait, let’s rephrase that. Join us at the discussion table; only a few are talking with something in their mouths.

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I have zero desire to create another discord server for people to join just to be able to talk to me. I’m in an insane amount of discords as it is.

I’ll be here, on reddit, and on the various discords I’m already on, as well as available in game.


amen to that, there is a reason I only seem to be on discord if invited for a specific conversation

that new-fangled comms stuff is too noisy for me



I quit Discord like I quit Facebook. I’m not going back.


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