Brisc Rubal 2020 - Tanned, Rested and Ready for CSM 15

Suuure, Mike cannot afford a Marshal so lets make them look dead sexy

damn you


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You can work on a nice Tristan skin for us, Mike.


I Vote Brisc for CSM!

Meme advertisement in local chats

Vote Trump too

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He hosts a double act radio show which both hosts have been booted off previous CSM’s.

I disagree with 50% of what Brisc stands for & promotes & I disagree with 100% of the reason he runs for CSM, which is to gain information about upcoming game changes which he can use to further his alliance. He also lobbies for changes that benefit his alliance to the detriment of the rest of the game.

This is not his fault entirely, CCP is 99% to blame by empowering the CSM with upcoming game changes. The CSM should be a focus group for change, not be informed of change prior to it happening.

No, both of us resigned of our own volition. I wasn’t booted, and I don’t believe Mittani was either.

This is absolutely wrong. I run for the CSM because I care about the game and I enjoy participating at that level in a representative democracy, even in my hobby. I’m not there to provide my alliance with any benefits, and they’ve not gotten any. I’m just a line member anyway - I’m not making any kinds of decisions about what we do.

Is it so hard to believe that some of us actually enjoy serving in these types of capacities and don’t do it for any kind of pecuniary gain? I guess it is for some people.

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People who’ve previously resigned their position of completely their own volition, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Mittens, Brisc & Nixon.

It’ll be interesting to see if CCP extends your exhortation to the extent of tolerating you on another CSM. They’ve previously simply flat rejected the elected tenure of previous CSM members because they simply did not want to work with them or like them including for out of game conduct & even political views. However I’d expect they’d have the decency to tell you that upfront so you’re probably good to go.

Some ISD hankering for internal affairs talking to.

Brisc is someone coming from a very old fashioned way of playing Eve and thinking about CSM.

He is a null bloc candidate. But more important than that, he is a metagaming figure rather than a game expert. For example Pando, who is an FC in the same organization with him and actually a game expert, would have been a much better candidate that I’d gladly support. Brisc recently took position as one of the hosts of the Meta Show, the Imperium talk show that is notorious for its very one-sided (the null mega empire side) interpretation of Eve. He spends most of his Eve time socially rather than doing something in space. His best selling point is likeability and his ability to represent people. He’ll advertise with things like his RL job, his kid, or the fact that he got falsely accused of breaching the NDA once to get elected. I do find him a very likeable person.

Brisc would be fine with all the above, because he thinks the main qualification of a good CSM candidate is being able to represent his voters’ worries. Brisc and most other null bloc candidates think this, alongside with “keeping CCP in check” (the original purpose of CSM) is the most important job of a CSM member. They will advertise this in talk shows and other mediums in every chance. They will conflate the point of CSM representation and elections with RL representation and elections. This kind of thinking about CSM reaffirms their very own relevance.

That’s one way to think about CSM. There are other ways.

I believe CSM elections do not fully analogize with RL elections and democracy. In choosing CSM members, people choose “expert consultants” to CCP more than “representatives”. Particularly during CSM 14, CSM moved to a “proactive” role in which they “teach” CCP in-depth knowledge about their specific areas of expertise. They did it during the summits with presentations. And also throughout the year in other mediums. This “expert consultation” role of CSM contributes to CCP greatly and becomes one of the guiding factors in their long term game design. Another very important job CSM members have been doing is making predictions regarding concrete mechanical changes CCP is planning in the mid or short term. A CSM member can’t go to the community to make those, due to NDA issues. So the community has to rely on their candidates’ expertise and knowledge, rather than representative capacities, for those. Finally, the expert consultant also offers concrete mechanical solutions to issues which CCP is interested in solving. It adds to the marketplace of ideas CCP can choose from.

To do all that, the most desirable quality in a CSM is their expertise about one of the game’s aspects. CSM members shine with their expertise on areas like wormholes, non-consensual PvP, organizational growth, large fleet warfare and FCing, new player problems, ESI, industry. Hopefully these areas will expand and include areas like FW, lowsec, PvP at different fleet scales, and competitive Eve play. My belief is that the diversity and proportionate representation of expertises and backgrounds directly determine how good a particular CSM tenure is. Historically, Brisc’s background has been overrepresented on CSM. Which means this year’s CSM will probably not lack that background either.

Brisc hasn’t shown any in-depth or outside the box knowledge of any of the game areas. He has a good filter about receiving and relaying the good feedback from the community. But that is less important. Because almost no quality feedback is missed and ignored in the funnel from the community to CCP. Devs are highly accessible. There are tons of events, social media, and other mediums in which community ideas and proirities trickle up to CCP. Most, maybe all members of CSM are very good at relaying important issues from bottom to top. I believe any combination among the top 20 CSM candidates this year could collectively do a good job in this kind of representation. So the representative capacity isn’t really a good reason to elect one over the other.

The more important quality in the “expert consultant” is the unique vision of Eve he can bring to the table, and how he will react to things that CCP will present to him behind and NDA (thus he won’t be able to collect community feedback for things behind the NDA). Brisc’s overrepresented null bloc background will not add to “proportionate representation of Eve backgrounds” in the CSM either.

Since the first day he ran for CSM 13, Brisc represented everything with which CSM has been historically bloated in my opinion. Which is why I bothered to come here to write this long post. Besides, he will probably have enough votes from his bloc and be in the CSM anyway. If you’re independent folk looking to cast a good vote, my recommendation would be not to waste it on him. If you care about one way of playing Eve or another, make sure you vote for its expert who can offer a new vision about it to CCP.


Yeah T20 old skool kool.

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Thanks for the nice write-up, much more polite but still clear than I would be able to express the issue with Brisc’s candidacy.

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The imperium/INIT/Brisc working on his resignation…

Your understanding of history is seriously lacking.

Feel free to ask anybody at CCP how they feel about me.


In regards to Olmeca’s post here, I’d like to respond with this clip from My Cousin Vinny, which sums up my argument more succinctly than anything else I could say.


Mr. Brisc Rubal,

I am reminded of Concord’s comments regarding you,

"an immediate threat to the integrity of the CSM as an institution,’’.


‘‘Brisc Rubal has been found to be sharing confidential information with a member of his alliance that was later used by another alliance [The Initiative] member to conduct illicit in-game transactions.’’,
amongst other derogatory statements made by Concord & those agents known to act for them.

However I noted that Concord later retracted these statements after yourself describing them as libellous not only against the name Brisc Rubal but by other pseudonym I will not mention. After such libellous comments & exhoneration you would expect others to be somewhat prosecuted. Not withstanding that known agents/acquaintances/corp mates of yours remain banned to date.

Concord however does not reveal or publish in game moderation banning some players without evidence & gifting others without merit. Except when it so chooses to such as in your previous ban. My proposed tenure aims at addressing Concord’s shoddy moderation as a priority above all other development making it fair transparent & effective.

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Spare me the RP nonsense.

I don’t get it. You give 100% weight to the claims made in the original dev blog, but you ignore the ones made in the follow up that specifically said:

"we have completed our review of the Brisc Rubal investigation and determined that our initial findings were incorrect. Neither Brisc Rubal nor the other players implicated in this incident breached CCP’s confidentiality, the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, or used privileged information to obtain an in-game advantage.

We made a mistake here and we offer our formal apologies. First, to Brisc Rubal and the two other players involved, both for making the allegations and for the disturbance and stress caused by the way in which we handled this situation. Second, for not collaborating with due care with the members of CSM 13, who have acted responsibly throughout. Lastly, we owe our sincere apology to the EVE community for this error. We take full responsibility for any confusion and mistrust caused by our initial assessment of the situation."

And, for the record, as I have repeatedly said, I have never threatened legal action against the company. It was a mistake, not intentional, so there is no reason for anybody else to have been disciplined for it. Even if they were, I have no way of knowing if that ever happened, nor do I care. Nor should you.

I do not understand why, a year later - a year in which I’ve played the game, spent time with and among dozens of CCP employees at Vegas and London, had multiple senior level CCPers on the Meta Show, and the like - there are still people like you out there pushing this conspiracy theory nonsense.

They made a mistake. They fixed the mistake. They apologized for the mistake. This is the entirety of what happened. I don’t know how to make it any easier to understand.

Do us all a favor, and focus your attention on your own campaign, and leave me to do the same.


Look, I’m not a fan of how null sec has gamed the system and then used what little power they gained (as well as a ton of early information) from the CSM to help strengthen their ingame abilities. I hate that they usually completely ignore anything or anyone outside of their sphere of ingame influence. But what I REALLY hate, is that the CSM goes almost completely radio silent and adamantly refuses to engage in these forums to discuss in the open concerns of the community.

I don’t want “experts” telling CCP about their game and what they should do; the recent CSM meeting had at least one presentation made by a CSM member that made game claims based on self reporting, yet ran completely counter to the few stats that CCP have released. They promoted an idea counter to what CCP’s own data was telling them and what they have officially told the community. No wonder EVE devs keep zigzagging their way to confusion.

You have remained silent for 6 months, all the way from last year in October when you had a flurry of forum activity. Then you went silent; dead silent. Guess we are not worth the time or effort? Too busy being the expert?

I disagree with Brisc a lot. I have candidates I rank higher that better represent my playstyle, area, and in game interest. Those other candidates will be ranked higher than Brisc in my ballot. That being said, at least he engaged with everyone and discussed out in the open those issues that other less represented parts of the EVE community wanted discussed. You appear to think that ability is not important or needed; that “experts” alone can help shape EVE development in the correct direction. That no one needs to represent the players, because no “quality feedback” is missed or ignored because it is funneled by the CSM “experts”. The problem arises when the “expert” decides that any feedback that fails his “quality” test is left ignored and not discussed.
A decade to get WD changes that mattered, all the while as certain “experts” said it was really having no effect on player retention.

…and, for God’s sake, up your official forum postings such that you actually engage with the community and not just with your like minded fellows. Make some effort to reach out on the official channel for EVE communications. The community , as a whole, occasionally have some ideas worth some open discussion…unless you somehow feel that no quality feedback is possible from the unwashed masses.


Brisc, there were allegations against you, a few days passed, then a retraction was issued that seemed to be written by a lawyer. Then you quit the CSM.

Do you need somebody to explain to you why this sequence of events looks extremely suspicious?

There were allegations made. A subsequent investigation was made after the allegations. The subsequent investigation exonerated me of all charges, reinstated my accounts and the other two players banned, and they issued a formal apology, among other things.

After two weeks of having my name dragged through the mud, international news articles written, a mess of nasty comments, my phone ringing off the hook from reporters from the Washington Post and Fox News wanting comment, and my wife losing business clients because of it, I decided I didn’t want to stick around on the CSM for the month that was left on the rest of my term, and I wasn’t going to run again.

Is that so hard to understand? Would ANYBODY have stayed on the CSM after what happened to me? Hell, I was so pissed at that point I didn’t even want to play the game anymore. If I hadn’t been welcomed back as profusely as I was, I probably wouldn’t be here.

I appreciate the idea that people think I am so powerful that I can bully a multi-million dollar foreign corporation into doing my bidding, but the reality is that these are just regular people who made a fun game and they’re trying to do the best they can. They make mistakes and unlike many others, they own up to them. I give them a ton of credit for that. The people who try to act like I got away with cheating in the game by bullying the company are doing a disservice to CCP by making that argument. It’s not true and it’s insulting to them, and to me.


Innocent like Mother Theresa, I’m sure.