Bumping Is nothing more than a protection racket

See… even Aiko agrees with me, James315 be praised, as he here refers to the Code of Conduct as the CODE!

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Yeah fair point, since you actually didn’t read any of it I should have liked the sources.

Here we go:

This is obviously straight from the Code: MinerBumping.com: The Code

You can read more about this here: MinerBumping.com: Become an Agent

Notice how it says nothing about CODE. but about the New Order.

Obviously that is kinda trivial:

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Quite a lot of text, and yet still, nothing from James315 that says that CODE has the very limited definition you want it to be. If you read James315, the CODE is all encompassing. It is all. It is everyone. It applies to everyone. And everyone who supports it is its agent. James315 is crying sad tears over your heresy.

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Sometimes people talk about the document and sometimes they talk about the alliance when they say CODE., But it is not the same, so much should be obvious. It’s fine if you are confused what someone is referring to in a given sentence, it never hurts to ask

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You know how some people can be a bit overzealous when they finally find the light? That is Priscilla. Best to give her a bit of time so she can adjust and become a productive member of the community.


Yes, seeing the truth for the first time can be overwhelming for some people. I’m sure we can mold her into a productive agent. Reading the Code multiple times can help a lot.


[Roleplay mode off]

Many CODE and anti-CODE threads provide all sorts of amusing content, but this has to take the cake. One of the primary characteristics of the whole CODE thing, starting with the web page that describes it, is just how over the top it is about making it apply to everyone, which is then used to “justify” the targeting of hapless newbies (and others) in high security space. The more people try to protest that it doesn’t apply to them or ask to be left alone, the more over the top the rhetoric gets.

So now it is particularly amusing to me to see just how that over-the-top rhetoric has now hoisted CODE on its own petard. With CODE rhetoric so over the top as to how there is no escaping it because it applies to everyone, I find it utterly hilarious now how when this is used against CODE, they furiously backpedal, trying to deny what their own rhetoric has loudly proclaimed from the beginning.

Sorry, dudes, you can’t have it both ways. Either you are just another boring alliance, one of the faceless masses within the game, or you are CODE - something that goes beyond alliances, beyond any game mechanics - something that is designed, from the start, to be a religion - a role-play construct that, as part of its internal structure, pretends to apply to everyone and refuses to give even a single inch.

Priscilla has posted the truth - in that there is nothing on the CODE pages about any distinctions between what CODE means (the Code of conduct versus the alliance versus the religion of James315) - and that is clearly by design. That was intentional. Those who don’t see it or try to claim otherwise really don’t understand the whole point of it - they just look like the masses that impotently protest that they don’t agree to be a part of CODE when they get ganked.

[Roleplay Mode On]


The most important thing to always carry with you is that you don’t need to be a member of CODE to enforce, follow or support the code. When you fit your ship correctly you are, by definition, following the code. When you mine with respect and awareness, you are following the code. James doesn’t ask for much yet gives so, so much. By doing so little, you are given so much.

Here is the code or Code of Conduct

CODE is just the name of the alliance so no mystery there

As for “religion of James315”, the best you will get is this: You can see the laws via links on the site.

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There was never a time when carebears not got confused about the difference between the New Halaima Code of Conduct, CODE. the alliance and the New Order of Highsec. That’s why we recoment not to think too hard and just ask an Agent, we will gladly tell you what to do and what to think.


And … here we have another one not understanding the code.

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Ah, but if you keep reading, you will find that you are required to send me 10 million isk. That is the stumbling block which prevents you from developing a personal relationship with James. It’s not enough to talk to the talk, you need to walk the walk.


James is but an apostle, if you truly wish to be one with the universe you need to commune with Bob.

Bob demands no monetary tribute, his preferred tribute being in the form of explosions and clone turnover. However, if you wish to send him isk, he might double it.


BOB is dead. All glory to James!

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Your pagan superstition has no power here.

James is the way and the light! Praise be!


James is the way, and the way leads to Bob.

Bob is DEATH


I am more than happy to subtract 10 million from the 1 billion isk you owe me this week for your miner mining permit. You can deposit the 990 million isk into my account at any time of your convenience before Friday.

You didn’t say which Friday…

Protection racket? I used to do it to bounce my prey off station…have a laugh at someone’s lack of perception?

Since it is a weekly fee, it should be obvious that it is every Friday… though the 10 million isk subtraction would be just that one time per year. The rest of the Fridays he needs to pay the full One Billion Isk fee or he will be miner mining without a permit, and thus will be in violation.

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