Burn Jita!

You are probably the “bah humbug” type that hates Christmas. “Meh, it’s the same every year what with the tree and the presents… weeeeee! Why bother?”

And they are out finding fights - just ask these guys who lost those fights. Hundreds of people are getting together with their friends to engage in some elite highsec PvP once a year and make their mark on the game universe. Sounds like a fun event to mark every year or so with your group.


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There speaks a gankee from years gone by.

If you’ve ever been in one of the fleets and experienced the level of organisation and orchestration to have targets lined up every 15 minutes and to deliver the fleet on spot, it’s about as elite as highsec pvp gets.

Those tactical geniuses being able to kill targets that can’t shoot back haha wow, lining them up must be hell especially since they move so fast their timing must be impeccable, yes been in one of these types of fleet’s before even the organizer said it was snorz-ville and wondered how this could be considered pvp as its the easiest way to get giant kill mails in the game. Dress it up all you want this isn’t pvp its grieving or PvGM: Player vs Game Mechanic’s.

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What is elite about this when you can keep a target tackled indefinitely without consequences? :thinking: I don’t see any elite organization or orchestration here. It is just 10 bumper alts telling the FC “I have a target here”, the FC has the fleet undock, warps it to the gate, warps it to the bumper, shoots, and lands back in station. Technically, the fleet members can set desto to the target system and activate autopilot so that they don’t even need to press jump. Where is the elite-part in any of this?

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Clearly you have never flown as an outlaw in highsec, let alone FCed a fleet when the tireless, infallible Faction Police are hot on your tail. It requires perfect timing, impeccable judgement and significant practice to drop a fleet full of criminals onto a target and successfully destroy it, and this is made even more difficult if there is some active defence being mounted by other players. Sure, the difficulty is primarily provided by NPCs which are predictable, but it is still way, way more elite than much of the easy-mode PvP that goes on in nullsec and wormholes where you have no handicap enforced by NPCs.

Making things more difficult for the aggressor is sort of the whole point of the “balancing” provided by the NPCs in highsec, and to a lesser degree in lowsec, sort of like tying one hand of a prize boxer behind their back to make a fight more challenging. Successfully fighting under such a disadvantage is at least one definition of elite PvP.

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None of that matters because you get Fleet Warped by the FC to the target, the FacPo does not point or ecm your ships and you have 90-200 ships, which only need to lock the broadcast in the fleet window and shoot. No “active defense” by players matters.

Of course it does. There are many ways a dedicated (and competent) group of players can foil a gank, or at least make it more costly, or abscond with the loot.

Coordinating and moving a criminal fleet of that size isn’t trivial, not to mention gathering one in the first place. This is why freighter ganking is almost extinct outside of special events like Burn Jita with only a handful of players doing it anymore.

Oh the Facpo does indeed point, which is effectively a guaranteed loss in highsec in most situations. Regardless of these details though, it is still way, way more difficult coordinate a criminal fleet in highsec than moving and engaging with the same fleet in nullsec where there is no FacPo. Hence the designation “elite” for those that manage it.

You do not move a criminal fleet. You move a fleet that has sat out their criminal timer, and has +5 security status, who only towards the end got to a -5 security rating. and even then FacPo does not impede movement via fleet warp at all. You cannot move a fleet of criminals around because their warp drive is disabled.

FacPo does not point right away. In fact, FacPo helps you because they apply stasis webifiers before warp disruption, which, should a snowflake for whatever reason not manage to warp their T1 destroyer before FacPo arrives, helps this snowflake to warp away.

You do not coordinate a criminal fleet in high sec. You do not even coordinate suspect fleet. What you do is, potentially towards the end of the event, to coordinate a fleet with low security status. And this is still not an issue because of fleet warps. Sure, you leave 1 or 2 behind due to someone maybe warp disrupting them, but you still have 80-200 other ships, which is more than enough to one-shoot a freighter in 1.0.

You are making it look way more complicated than it is.

Can you point to what is the more “leet” form of highsec PvP?

Things that actually fight back, like structure defenses with actually fighting defenders, for instance.

Where is that happening though. Can you point me to an example? I’m not talking theory, but what is is actually occurring?

Am I correct that your whole objection to the idea that 100+ characters, coordinating with scouts, scanning alts, bumpers, logistics effort to have all the ships ready and fitted to hand out, the pre-making of safes and tactical to help avoid FacPo, the moving of CONCORD where necessary, etc., that your objecation to all the coordination and management of the PvP engagement in order to successfully gank being a form of elites PvP, is solely that the target can’t shoot back?

I have no idea what you are trying to assert. I have flown in many a criminal fleet where we, or at least some of us are outlaws. This means there is no loitering in space allowed for the FC and everything has to be timed and executed perfectly, including the bump-tackle, to avoid being pointed and exploded by the Faction Police.

Again though, the point isn’t how easy or hard being a criminal in highsec is. The point is being a criminal in highsec is harder, and thus requires more elite skills, than commanding a similar fleet in nullsec where you can just point a target and the FC only has to focus on how the other side is going to respond.

I fully acknowledge that much of these elite skills are in understanding and exploiting hard-coded game mechanics rather than adapting to a human opponent (although there is some of that), but it is self-evident that dunking freighters in highsec is more difficult than dunking them in lowsec or null. Claiming otherwise is disingenuous as making the life of a criminal more difficult the whole point of highsec.

Just wanna say that Burn Jita was a great thing to watch and shooting random suspects/crims at Jita undock was really fun. I had lots of fun, would be great to see more similar things happen. I got my thrasher rekt once but it was my own fault haha, hope to see this happen again next year!

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Agreed it was a lot of fun!

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Many thanks to Miniluv’s support fleet for all the scouting, bumping, etc, to provide us with many opportunities to mine all those tears. Also have to give a shoutout to Michael Tindall. Your non-stop crying in local made it far more entertaining.

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Every time I logged in I saw that dude spamming local. It was so weird but oh so entertaining. Such dedication.

oh scary 1 guy doing burn jita.

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