Buying ALL Toons INSTANT ISK 💵

I just checked, it works… both links works

Does my link work?

No love for Snacks?

price check on me please

new link

looking for 45B nealy

ill pay 45b for it


Ok, done. I’ll set up a sale thread.

@Ram_Sotken Private Sale of Snacks Snackton to Ram Sotken

How much will my char worth to you?


Trying to offload some toons. PI alt, 2.7mil SP. What’s it worth?

How much for this char?

How much for that toon ?
He will be moved to npc corp and Jita of course when we make a deal.

selling lokiuytr Board - Quantum Anomaly (

40mill sp blops pvp specialist neg wallet 16,4bill looking forward to offer

I’m interested in a price check. only 2.3 mil sp but is capable of getting lvl 5 Gallante Fed Navy missions.

What your offer?

Hi 60b now for this @Sir_Loocin_Mernher

I wont sell for 60, sorry. Aiming for 90b+

i can paid 80b @Sir_Loocin_Mernher

I will not sell below 90b