Buying Characters - 15M and above for now!

Hello all,

I am looking to pick up a few characters for various tasks and long term investing.

Let me know what you have, the only hard requirement I currently have is a minimum SP of 15M.

The fastest way to get in contact with me would be a convo or mail in-game.

All sellers must agree and follow the rules CCP has for character sales.


Not at 15M but have a look anywase… already pointed in the right direction…good starting skills…implanted.
PW 33559

Thanks for the post! Unfortunately I’m not really interested in picking up additional characters under 15M SP unless they have Cyno 5 with decent scanning skills.

Good luck on your search!

Daily Bump!

Daily Bump!

I hope is fine for u

Thanks for the post, not really what I’m looking for currently though.

To the top

To the top

I want sell this charr

Hi! Thanks for the post but I’m not interested in this character at this time.

ok all good

To the top

To the top!

WTS 49.6 mill SP plus additional 550 000 unused SP

what’s your feedback? any interest?

Hi! I would be willing to offer 45B for this character.

yes I willl accept that… shall we say sold?

please notify me of the receiving toons name. via in game message … once payment is made I shall begin the transfer. I am logging off now so will check this time tomorrow