🌟 Buying pilots - Fast payment!

Could you provide an eveboard link?

http://eveboard.com/pilot/Wheelin’_Dealin’_Dickey pass 1234

Responded via in game mail.


pass: 123

Responded in game.

Agreed terms in game. Awaiting isk and account name.

ISK and account name sent in game.

Character transfer confirmation email received. Thank you and fly safe.

Agreed terms in game. Awaiting isk and account name.

ISK and account name sent in game.

Character transfer confirmation email received. Thank you and fly safe.

Looking to sell myself http://eveboard.com/pilot/Nessa_Von_Hess

Sent you an in game mail.

‘Agreed terms in game, awaiting ISK and account name’. I will then respond and provide you with the ISK/account name.

ISK and account name sent via in game mail.

isk recieved sorting assets and starting process

Character transfer confirmation email received. Thank you for the fast transaction and fly safe.


Sent you an in game mail.

Agreed terms in game, awaiting ISK and account name.


Thanks very much for an easy and satisfying arrangement.