It is in the advert, but we have a C4 and C5 static.
EPSYN is recruiting!
EPSYN is recruiting!
EPSYN is recruiting! Hop by and findout more!
EPSYN is recruiting!
EPSYN is recruiting! Hop on!
Come join the EPSYN gang, we’re recruiting,
EPSYN is recruiting, Come be a space pirate with us, we promise we’ve got cookies.
Wanna be a space ninja? wanna kill nerds or krab? Come join Epsyn.
Still looking for more peeps!
Come join and be a l33t derp with the rest of us!!!
EPSYN, deleting one,umh, unusual fit at a time!
EPSYN recruiting always! ( and advertising when i remember to post in here!)
Remembered to update [DAY 1]
Recruitment is still open!
Guess what… Still recruiting!
Join us and fly all the moas!!!
Recruitment is open. Come to wormhole space and be a scary peep with other scary peeps.
Free fights on the regular! Lets go welp together!
Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the pilot of a corp called EPSYN