(C4 WH PvP) - [EPSYN] Epicentre Syndicate is recruiting

Recruiting is still open

Still Recruiting

Recruitment is open. Join our in-game channel.

Still recruiting. Join our in-game channel for a chat.

Recruitment Still Open

We’re still recruiting.

Really a cool team here at EPSYN! Join now for the fun.

Bump. Join us in our in-game channel for a chat.

Bump. Still recruiting.


I’m too sleepy to come up with anything interesting. We are taking applications. Lots of fun!

Recruitment reopened. Join us in-game if you’re interested.

Bump. Recruitment Restarted

Join us ingame for a chat. We are willing to introduce you to WHs.

Join in for mischief and chicanery. Lots of buffoonery too.

Bump. Recruitment is Open

I’m interested. Convo me ingame please

Bump. Recruitment Open

Bump, recruitment still open.

Come join, you can still meme cyclone, or a few other ones we have :smiley: