Can this space station be used as a base space station

I like the style of this space station because it looks cool inside. I want to use it as a base, but my other friends have advised me to be careful as my ship may be removed by the space station administrator. I want to know if this space station is safe and can be used as a long-term base space station.

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Player-owned Structures like the Sotiyo in your picture are not ‘safe’.

  • The player who owns the structure can decide who can enter the structure (and they can change access rules at any time)
  • The structure can be unanchored by the owner
  • The structure can be destroyed by other players

Luckily in any of these three situations you can still access your items for a fee by sending them to a NPC station. This is called asset safety.

Your clones stored in the structure will be lost though!

However, if the structure owner doesn’t fuel their structure for a week and the structure goes into abandoned state there will be no asset safety. Once the structure is destroyed people can loot (your) items from the wreck.

Long story short: No, storing your items long-term in a player owned structure is not safe


However, you can use this base as a temporary base if you like it.

First, you need to trust the owner. I personally only store valuable goods in structures that are owned by corporations I trust: corporations in my alliance or allies.

The structure in the picture is owned by the IChooseYou Alliance, which I think has multiple structures all over high sec and is in it to obtain income from taxes from using the structures.

Maybe someone who plays more in high sec can chime in, but I think this structure is fairly safe for short term usage and storage.

Still, if you expect not to be keeping an eye on the structure at least once every week to see the status it’s better to store the bulk of your valuables in a nearby NPC station and only do your day-to-day stuff in this structure. You never know when this structure will be gone, without or with your items in it.

NPC stations are safe for long-term storage.
Player structures are not.

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Using a player made station as a base of operations holds 2 risks;

  1. It can be destroyed by a fleet of players.
  2. The owner can lock you out, thus keeping you from your inventory.

The “IChooseYou” corp has existed for at least 5 to 6 years and has a good reputation. In my opinion the owner is reliable, because they are into the market of buy low, sell high motivation. However it is plausible that any station can be destroyed. High sec player owned stations have been wiped out in systems.

I have bought and anchored 2 of my own bases in the one year I have played this game. The Raitaru was anchored inside a wormhole last November and lasted 45 days in there before it was destroyed. Sadly even when you tell people it is a freeport they will still destroy it. My second remains unmolested and is the Astrahus model. It was anchored mid February of this year. I have to keep tossing fuel cubes in it to keep it running and is no small task for the solo player. If or when it is destroyed, I might welcome the defeat, as it tends to be a drain on my funds.

Have fun!


if the station gets destroyed → asset safety
if the owner locks you out (which is VERY unlikely since the sation in the photo is a freeport) → asset safety.

in short, not really much to worry.
for long term storage hoewever a office in a cheap npc station is probably better.

and no, the owner can not take or remove your stuff!

@Programmer_Mao You can set up shop in a POS but I suggest doing that only if the owner(s) are in your corporation or alliance.

The owner can stop fueling it to allow it to be “abandoned” after which if its destroyed, asset safety will not trigger, but your stuff will drop like loot for anyone to pick up.

The owner can take your stuff, if:

  • they stop fueling the structure for a week, putting it in an ‘Abandoned’ state
  • someone destroys the structure while in Abandoned state

Asset safety does not work on Abandoned structures, so people - including the owner - can then loot your items from the wreck.

Items in player structures are only safe if you trust the owner to keep the structure fueled, or if you play often enough to notice when the structure goes unfueled for a week.

If you have any valuable items you don’t want to risk losing, store them in an NPC station.

Same as wormholes. Stuff not safe there either