[CANCELLED] WTS 54m SP Nyx Pilot

Selling awesome dedicated Nyx pilot.

Sissi Lamperouge Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)

NPC Corp
Located in Jita 4-4
Positive Sec Status
Positive Wallet

High Grade Amulet clone

starting bid 48b
buyout 68b


40 B offer

Sorry looking for minimum 48b.

48 bil

48b is top bid. Will let this run for 3 more days.

49 bil

50 bil


52 bil

52b is current highest bid. Will let this run for another 24 hours.

I accept 52b bid. Please send isk and account information.

Account info + ISK sent

I am very sorry, sir. Isk has been returned to Gabriel Luis. Sale has been cancelled due to unforeseen events. Please close post.

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