Cancelling auto-billing

I cancelled the subscription on one account and the button now displays: “undo cancel subscription”

However in the change subscription plan menu, it still displays my next billing date.

Edit: Also in the Account info says this:

Subscription and payment

Account Type

Omega Account

Current Subscription

1 Month EVE subscription - Paying with PayPal

Account Expires

01 August 2019 - 4:32 pm UTC (in 66 days)

Does this mean the subscription is still active or not?

Should I cancel my paypal account just in case

How to make sure to cancel the subscription and in the future how to buy game time without activating a subscription in the first place?

Unfortunately not possible any longer.

That used to be the default, but CCP decided (like so many businesses) 3-4 years ago that the default should be the opposite and it’s our responsibility to cancel the subscription that we have to agree to sign up to when we purchase a subscription with money.

Just to be sure you should delete your credit card or paypal data in the account settings.

as soon as you pay for a month, go to the account management screen and stop rechargable billing you still get your game time and it wont rebill unless you want it to, thats how i do it.

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