Cant Launch Game Clients, "Network Error"

My internet is totally fine as evidenced by me posting here, but I cannot get the launcher to open a game client any more following a small update this morning. I get the error:

“A Network Error has occurred during authentication. Please check your connectivity and try again”

What gives?


Same here…

Look like login server down

It did, however, push another 300MB update which downloaded just fine…

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[quote=“Eso Es, post:1, topic:391521, full:true, username:Eso_Es”]
My internet is totally fine as evidenced by me posting here, but I cannot get the launcher to open a game client any more following a small update this morning. I get the error:

500 internal server error

error, something went wrong

You think with new people unable to login, CCP would bring the server down and fix it. I pray for you if you had a defence timer XD no worries, you’ll get your athy back without the mods in Jita 4-4 XD


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Back up it seems

Resolved, see [RESOLVED] - 20230112 - TQ and website connection issues

Client does not start “A network error occurred during authentication. Please check your connection and try again.”

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