Can't update: "An error occurred while downloading client"

I’m unable to access the game, as the launcher gives me the following errors when it tries to download/update the client: “An error occurred while downloading client” and “Client update failed: Could not fetch EVE Online build info for Tranquility, trying again in 5 minutes”.

I checked the logs and wondered if the following extract is useful/relevant. Is it related to Cloudflare?:

You've requested a page on a website ( that is on the <a href="" target="_blank">Cloudflare</a> network. An unknown error occurred while rendering the page.</p>\n` + ' </div>\n' + '\n' + ' \n' + ' <div class="cf-column">\n' + ' <h2 data-translate="what_can_i_do">What can I do?</h2>\n' + ' <p><strong>If you are the owner of this website:</strong><br />you should <a href="" target="_blank">login to Cloudflare</a> and check the error logs for

I have tried verifying game files, uninstall/reinstall, and running the launcher as administrator.


I got that message come up a couple of minutes ago but the system proceeded to log me in without any other issues than that message

The fault seems to have been fixed, as I’m now able to download the client and log into the game :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, this was exactly the issue you would experience due to the Cloudflare outage linked by Uriel. They have implemented a fix that resolved the issue.

Hello, plz help if u can

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