

Yea you gotta be trolling. If you’e this naive well, would you like to purchase some land in Florida?

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Sometimes I wonder if there is a topic where you have an opinion that makes actually sense

You could say that many times about me in the past, only that there is war in ukraine, people start thinking that it wasnt so bad idea to learn how to survive without electricity, why is there so much criminals among illegal imigrants, and they wonder where all the cheap stuff went.

I can only say that last time when humanity was enviromentally friendly was when we were still being eaten by lions in africa every day.

You have it a lot better if you will be cycling instead of walking or working physically on farm every day instead of working on that new mold for carcinogenic filled remains of earth’s past life.

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None of that correlates to your naïve assumption that no one will die as a result of this and people will just tacitly agree and cooperate and share.

History has proven you wrong sadly a billion times over.

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Ok. There will be no death among those who cooperate. And there will be methods for people to choose no reproduction.

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And what about the people who then want to take the stuff from the people who cooperate?

Quafe. You cannot honestly think this ROFL.

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Thiefs will be put into slavery and work untill they repay what they stole.

There will be some changes in law and social structure.

The ruling class will still be around, as general, army, judges, kings and all those civilised things.

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Wut in the quafe.

So you’re pro slavery as well?


No, I am only saying how the future will look. It will be how it used to be. Peasants and some ruling class ruling over them, using ideology and other means. Forced labor for criminals and death penalty.

You dont believe me?

Places like North Korea exists even now, and you dont have to believe it at all.

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I doubt you watched and understood the videos I posted.

Who is going to listen to a Jordan Peterson video anyway

Smart, reasonable and intelligent people.

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I didn’t post those two videos to laud on Dr.Peterson but because they’re right for the topic.

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In your opinion. Again, history has proven you very wrong LOL.

Everyone living in peace and order, biking around. ROFL.

Chip truth man. I do not understand how peeps think that guy is smart.

Right for the topic is only that we cant grow in infinity, using scarce resources. The planet is finite, and the universe around too unhospitable for humans.

You could probably raise your own chickens, grow your own food, make yur own house, but you would need a piece of land anyway, and most people would have to move out of city and work on farms. That is the way people lived in the past, where impact was smaller on environment. And it will be back, doesnt matter what you think, there isnt just enough stuff to suffice for current level of consumption.

For example: in the past people had a horse that was providing them a transportation, was engine for working on farm, was source of food. Could be born from other like it, naturally. Now they have vehicles who have to be manufactured and need constant supply of scarce resources, taking mining industry to use a lot of energy, and cant be replicated naturally. Its a regres, and will not happen forever. Only what evolution gave you is good for you. Maybe, but that is one of the futures, and not witnessed by anyone, that humanity will be growin into infinity, using their own failed and imperfect brains predicting every obstacle there is on its way to rule the galaxy. Highly unlikely.

Its future you have to be worried about tho.

We now live in times of turmoil, but future looks different, there everyone is happy. Ask every North Korean like happy he is, and he will tell you he is forever thankfull to the Leader. :sunglasses:

I think for Nana it’s more about sounding edgy and dark than actually having an opinion that makes sense

I don’t think we can and I never suggested we could.

I don’t think they aren’t and I never said they were.

I don’t think it won’t and never said it will.
I myself live in a small village with crops all about and I go around on electric powered bike.

If you don’t want to consider the points raised in those two videos you’re absolutely free not to, but I don’t need to spend my time with your uncontested arguments thrown my way just to fill the thread with hollow discourse.

The problem in those videos is that its not environmentalist destroying anything or making people homeless or anything like that.

Its current society and technology being unable to cope with the arising problems. We have this technology and social structure that was build up using resources that were there deposited over millions of years, and we have been manufacturing things that are not going to be recycled forever. We made very complex objects like smartphone batteries or solar panels. The state of nature is it favores things that have natural buildup over time, complex objects are destroyed and replaced, main boards malfunction, steel corrodes, plastic is being degraded, only glass and stone survives for millenia in fairly unchanged state.

This is the reason why the future will look like farms and castles, with intranets probably, very scarce technology and not avaiable to people outside ruling class, not because someone decides that. People in ruling class will be only maintaining order while being unable to change how the technology and industry we have now will be looking in future. And it will look like something from 1800’s or maybe even 1700’s, with a bit of telecomunication achievements we have today.

Korgoth of Barbaria may be the most correct vision of future you will see today.

It may look funny today. But it will not be so funny in future.

Why “we” and not “them”?

85% of all carbon emissions come from companies. From dis-allowing telework to running semi-trucks empty to “better prepare” for when the next large shipment of crap is expected to arrive. Companies have and enforce those decisions, and yet saying its the fault of the people who get told to do them else they get fired or discriminated against is incredibly disingenuous.

Also, there is more to this than “just carbon emissions”. There are other pollutants that are much worse, are much stronger “greenhouse” materials (gasses and particles that get suspended in the air), and drastically poison the environment. For example, making China and other asian countries that have large amounts of money funneled to them for cheap manufacturing follow USA air pollution standards would do more to reducing the impact of global warming than dropping the CO2 emissions by 75%.

lastly, straighten one other thing out: Global warming has two components - The man made piece and the piece that is “natural”. Natural in the sense that man has no control over it. There are two pieces to this. This assumption that “global warming is 100% the fault of mankind” is bullcrap, and the models that assume those sort of things are where we got the global cooling epidemic from the 80’s that said the globe would freeze over to make the next ice age by year 2000 to the global warming craze of the 90’s to the current “climate change” that is very non-specific about what the change actually will be. It’s a model, after all, and garbage in = garbage out, and therefore when you see garbage out results they should be questioned (with the questions and folks posing them not censored…in spite of current tends of anybody using critical thought and speaking out against a blatant narrative with clear ulterior motives, scientifically or politically).

Us. We are in this together. There is no escape, well, maybe there is but how many hermits you know have run to the hills and are living there without electricity?