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Agartha Forgeries is a group that focuses on providing our members with ample opportunities for isk in order for them to then grow more isk or pew pew (ussually both however). We are based in tenerifis and just finished making those poor goonies go buy our ishtars and HACs from Jita after dying in them.

Some features that we offer that you might be interested in are 0% taxed r32s and r64s, two ice systems (in our sov), and sec status in and nearby going up to -0.8 (amazing for escalations and faction spawns, as I was writing this I got a 10/10 and proceeded to get about 1.3b in drops from it).

We also do pew pew in various timezones if you end up dipping your toes in some pew pew of varying timezones if that ends up being something your interested in.

Forums Post: Agartha Forgeries - GET THE DOGS AU/EU/US NULLSEC PEW PEW/INDY/PVE!
Discord: Agartha Forgeries
zKillboard: Agartha Forgeries | Corporation | zKillboard

I look forward to seeing you in corp :wink: