
Zaera’s minion, Satan hops of the alter and bounds down the hallway like a demented pussycat. Something is not right here. Where is my mistress? There fang is, sleeping so contentedly in fangs coffin, sleeping so peacefully. All is not well in this universe. Hmm, what can I do about this?

Satan starts jumping on and off fangs coffin. is fang stirring now? Fang can see me in fangs darkest dreams, jumping on and off fangs coffin. Satan continues jumping on and off fangs coffin. Will fang get up?

Satan sighs impatiently then saunters over to the kitty litter box, runs claws along the bottom with terrible scartching sound. Wait, still nothing from my mistress, Satan hops off and starts picking at the carpet. Surely my mistress is now asking fangself if I haven’t found the toilet up to my standards, and I’m using the carpet instead…the furry carpet, the one fang calls a bathmat. Zaera is rising , can fang make it intime to save the bathmat? Haha! Wait…fang is going back to sleep. How disspointing. Zaera used to have such fire in fangself to save the bathmat…