CCP hates miners = confirmed

I dont understand what your point is.

No, 2017.

I think the takeaway from this patch and the upcoming moon minerals adjustment is that itā€™s going to be a period of ā€œfamineā€ for industrialists, but in the end, itā€™s to collect data to make for a better, more balanced game for everyoneā€™s benefit.

CCP doesnā€™t ā€œhateā€ miners. This is for your own, and everyone elseā€™s, good.


I think we are in time of Miner Blackout, its going to be ok.

Some grandiose class A linear thinking. But he is a miner, so that is to be expected I guess.

Hint: If the resources get scarce the price will rise and you will get more ISK for less mining. I donā€™t expect you to understand, so keep on whining, trash that Rorq and quit.

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No, according to him, it wont affect the mineral prices at all, because moon mining. If you dont understand how this works, then you just dont understand how moon mining works.

I think the smart and weathy players (isk wise) will hoard minerals and sell them right before ccp nerfs ore back to the positive.

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Everybody, please! If you donā€™t agree with him then please donā€™t post! This man can only handle being told that heā€™s right! He can only handle people who agree with him! He can NOT handle people who know better, or think differently! He is also always right! Please! Show some respect!


Yeah but your buying power stays the same, because everything built out of these minerals gets more expensive as well. Sure, thereā€™s a window here, but the delta is going to close eventually.

If all of the miners get hit with the same nerfs then isnā€™t the net effect zero? The market will adapt. I donā€™t understand the issue. In fact, it will benefit the human players that like to mine because they are better able to respond to threats than bots.


He is crying about PLEXing though.

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mining - will be profitable because less ore
indy - hit and miss (timing) because got to get the mineral at the best price.
customer - more expensive widget, which means more ratting

guess this will promote some corps to be like CODE

Donā€™t kid yourself. Everyone hates minersā€¦even miners.


And then November 2016 the introduction of excavators.


Mining is always profitable. What matters is buying power and buying power stays the same in the long run. The delta increases after a nerf,/buff but eventually the gap closes once prices of everything built by the minerals adjusts to the new mineral prices.

Worst patch ever.

I agree about nerf, but not like this!
I agree that rorq with excavs is OP, but you decided to kill mining enteirly!
Prepare to lose subscribers.

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Then we can bring back the blackout instead?

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my bad, i meant it will be more profittable

In the very very short-term only. Some will profit massively on this yes, but once they run out of minerals to sell at a massively inflated price then what? How do you make profit on selling stuff if you donā€™t have enough to sell?