Hello everyone. I will simply get to the point. I am always involved in forming pvp and pve fleets and I would like EVE to have the ready check button for fleets. It my help a lot and as far as i know, most of MMORPG and Sandbox games have that. Maybe there is something like that and i’m missing it?
Also, would like CCP to see the thread.
This already exists. Use the “In position” broadcast in the Fleet Window. Note this is different from the “At location” broadcast. You can check broadcast history in Broadcast history in fleet window, and also see who broadcasted in the Fleet Watch window, which you can clear regularly.
Wouldn’t we all?
This already exists. Use the “In position” broadcast in the Fleet Window. Note this is different from the “At location” broadcast. You can check broadcast history in Broadcast history in fleet window, and also see who broadcasted in the Fleet Watch window, which you can clear regularly.
The thing is, it’s not really comfortable to count all the “In Position” broadcasts. Imagine that in fleet with 50-150 people. But thanks anyway, didnt know about that
The broadcasts do not disappear from history or the watch list unless you press the respective clear buttons. This is the reason why they are, in fact, viable/scalable in large fleets. Broadcasts are what allow effective communication without many people talking all at once over voice comms/text chat in large ops. Check out the list of broadcasts available
All but one are located at the bottom, but the full selection is in the menu.
The broadcasts do not disappear from history or the watch list unless you press the respective clear buttons. This is the reason why they are, in fact, viable/scalable in large fleets. Broadcasts are what allow effective communication without many people talking all at once over voice comms/text chat in large ops. Check out the list of broadcasts available
But how do I check, how many people used it?
If you add everyone to your watch list (you should - you can color code them if you want), then you scroll up and down the list and see how many of them have the respective broadcast icon next to the name. Alternatively, you can scroll through the Broadcast history panel and read through the list, though this is less practical (unless you’re looking for timestamps).
That’s the thing. Watch list is limited. And counting people by broadcast is not very comfortable and might take some time. I believe, that adding ready check to broadcast/fleet that clearly show, how many and who is ready, would be much better, for managing the fleet.
Anyway, bro. Thank you for suggestions. Might use them
How would your implementation look like? Could you describe the UI/UX of what you had in mind?
likely FC/WC/SC hits ‘ready check’ and then is prompted the names of people in fleet/wing/squad that didn’t hit it, or alternatively have a marker next to the respective persons name in fleet listing who did not hit ‘ready’.
However, would much prefer large fleets without such QoL. Leave some room for well-organized groups to shine.
That’s not a UI/UX description.
I like the idea, think the watch list is a workaround at best, and I think we don’t need to design buttons for the devs…
Useful functionality, little-to-no room for abuse.
We have workarounds to do something similar, but they’re kind of clunky. I think they could either be re-worked into what you’re describing, or be left in place as alternatives for those that use them.
So I do see this like that.
FC uses the ready check buton and then the whole fleet has this window on the screen (1). It should be time limited, like 30 seconds or something (would be great if time to check in was changable by FC). If player didn’t click on “Ready” button, he will automatically be a “not ready”.
The next window (2) after checking would be a list of all pilots in fleet, so FC could visually examine, how many people are ready. For example, pilots that are ready will have “+” near their name, those who are not ready will have “-”. And also would be great to have a numbers above that window, for example, 127R (Ready) 3NR (Not ready).
It’s just a scratch and i’m sure there are ways to make it better, but I do think example like this would be enough to understand the whole thing im talking about.
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