Have you tried using the “scale UI” feature?
With fleets that go up to 250 people I don’t see how that could all fit on your watchlist in one screen.
So instead there are other ways to keep an eye on your allies:
- prioritize. Put important ships on the top of your watch list
- broadcasts. People broadcast for repairs for a reason, use that to find who needs healing.
- look around. When no priority targets are taking damage and you can handle the broadcasts, there’s time to see where your fleet is and where the enemy fleet is. See that one webbed fleet member dragging behind the fleet? They’re about to get damaged. This also works well for allies who are not part of your fleet.
- group select. You are looking around and see bombs hit a portion of any allied fleet? Ctrl-drag a square around them so you can heal the ones that require healing.
- scroll through the watchlist. Yes, you can scroll. The watchlist only goes up to 100 people out of 250, but it’s a massive improvement over the 15 we used to work with.
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- delegate. There’s a reason armies are divided into squads rather than one single group.
That’s just basic idea, may or may not apply to you.
Probably wouldn’t hurt if you could add more columns to display people.
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