@ccp, This is what you need to do

Id love to see his projected average life-span of a capsuleer/player career.

The adventures theyd get up to… I literally cant even imagine.

You can read about it here: https://www.chrisshepherd.org/on-the-totalitarian-personality/

The Totalitarian Personality and Doublethink

Because the totalitarian mind perceives facts as attacks, the totalitarian rejects or accepts them on an emotional basis. This leads to what Orwell described as Doublethink.

“The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them…

To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary.

Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.” – George Orwell – 1984

Doublethink then, is one of the diagnostic markers of the Totalitarian Personality. It’s quite common for perfectly normal people to have biases, to hold self-contradictory viewpoints, and to engage in self-serving rationalizations. However, in the totalitarian mind these bad habits of mind are nearly impenetrable and automatic, as they are in a cult. See The Narcissists Prayer for an example of how the Totalitarian Personality reacts to evidence of wrongdoing.

The totalitarian mindset makes the individual very powerful – freed from the constraints of logic and truth, the totalitarian can, at least by his own definition, win any argument or debate. He can invent any fact that he wants, or make any accusation whatsoever. In fact, false allegations and made up truths are an important part of the totalitarian’s game plan – but it is also the totalitarian’s greatest weakness.

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:heavy_heart_exclamation:️ +1 :heavy_heart_exclamation:

What’s $60 a month?

“like Lego blocks building a fort”

“awesome factor”

Using then in place of than approximately 137 times, along with a myriad of other spelling and grammar atrocities. I’m sure CCP is going to take your diatribe very seriously…


OP is now on my list of posters where I will have to verify if “water is wet” should they spout it…

Not a Linus alt
Not a bot


I understand now why he is so bitter…

His alliance has lost so far. 30Billion ISK from two wardecs.


Salty salty tears lol

He’ll claim that only a Linus alt would say that :joy:


Thank god you’ve shown up to save all the troglodytes from themselves! Jesus, Gandalf, and Dumbledore, all rolled into one, come to redeem us from our failings!

The thing that’s most infuriating about your terrible posts is how insulting they are. Because it’s absolutely inconceivable that you just suck so miserably at the game, it must be everyone else’s fault. So, you dubs everyone else evil, abusive, cheaters, and all the other things that incompetent 12 year olds mean when they yell “haxxorz!” You dubs everyone else monsters and then formulate plans to drive out everyone who doesn’t fit the glorious image of what you think you see in the mirror. Your ego is so broken, your brain so out of whack, demonstrating signs of schizophrenia, that you start accusing people who don’t agree with you of being alts of the same person, a paranoid conspiracy to discredit oh-so-infallible-you.

If you had your way, EVE would be a shitty game that nobody would ever play. And that’s what makes me think you are completely full of ■■■■ when you claim to be a dev. If you built a game based on the principles you espouse on these forums, you’d be bankrupt within 20 minutes after launch. If CCP is so pants-on-head retarded to follow ANY of your advice, they’d deserve to go bankrupt as well.


Yes, Valkyrie and Sparc is now in maintenence mode. Sparc shortlived like a spark, who would have known? :thinking:


It is optional for players. Don’t want to fight a war dec, put a place holder in as CEO, create a private channel for your corp members, drop to NPC corps. There, done. Totally safe from those war deccing poopie heads.

Funny, my alliance just another war dec last night and we are not typically new players, some are, but not all by a long shot.

Actually, reducing the risk of things like acquiring ISK could result in more ISK entering the economy which can lead to inflation. If CCP moves too sharply in that direction, then it can signal a lack of interest in keeping the rate of money creation in check and result in undesirable outcomes.

If you think this kind of precision is attainable in an economic system you are indeed fooling yourself. Instead of setting prices CCP will tweak mineral usage criteria such that it will balance the economy…hahahahaha. Yeah, it is just that easy.

Wut? Selling SP that is created de novo is just bad. Really bad.

No. Extractors give people the opportunity who want to sell their SP such an opportunity. There is no force involved.

And putting full injectors into the NES is not a money grab? What the heck?


A couple of points…

Breaking up the income of hi sec mercs… So if you are a hi sec mercs, you couldn’t buy PLEX? Or own POCOs? Or run missions on an alt? This idea has no possible way to be acted upon.

And here’s the thing, even if multi-boxing ends, that doesn’t stop having multiple characters. A hi sec mercs could fund their activities with say an incursion runner, industrialist, etc. How could you legitimately say those players could not transfer isk? You are asking for something that is absolutely impossible.

Breaking up the population? How? Alliance a were forced up in CCP because people found a way to create and make them work outside of game mechanics. And you can’t stop big battles. If there is a big red dot on the map showing 2000 kills in a system in the last hour, people will head there to join the fray. You can’t set a limit or all you get is a race to hit the limit first. It’s part of eve.

Honestly, the OP seems like a bitter soul trying to bash the game into his mold. I hope no one listens. And I am no ones alt nor am I some hi sec mercs. I’m just a player who’s been around and seen enough to know some bad ideas when presented.


This should be a prerequisite for any young person to be allowed to play any game with human interaction for online games.
A ranking system based on that where the noobs graduates to the seal clubber and so forth before continuing onto any other game and especially a pvp game.

It might make a carebear grow into a grizzly and by doing so create a more formidable opponent for any game with interaction.

Damn I like this. Now it only needs a name.

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I wish I could be bothered going to be a fly on the wall in their interactions.

Gad Im so lazy in my semiretirement.

Fair warning to a small handful of posters in this thread: Play nicely, I really don’t want to come back and read through this because people are miss behaving, cut out the personal insults and keep it civil.

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A gang of one-day players, in theory, can destroy any single ship - big or small.
It depends on the size of that gang.

My team of newbies in Somali Bootcamp use to do that often. :slight_smile:

Was spectacular seeing a group of newbros under proper direction take down fleets.


U showed dem da whey?

–Gadget is dah Queen